
Why are people like Karl Rove such hypocrites?

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When asked about Obama's possible VP pick,Tim Kaine, Rove said that Kaine has only been governor for 3 years and mayor of a city that was has a population of 200,000 and that it was the 105th largest city in America. He said that Kaine was able but undistinguished

When asked about Palin recently, he said that Palin was a great pick because she has been governor for 2 years and mayor of the second largest city in Alaska. The population of that city is 9,000




  1. Um, b/c Rove is McCain's senoir advisor....and  he is paid to say just that. Remember, McCain says he isn't like Bush....but his votes, even his advisors, are exactly the same.

  2. He's's in their job description.

  3. Karl Rove is known for having many eerie, sociopathic tendencies where honesty is a non-issue for him where he sees fit.

    He was "the arcitecht" behind the Bush presidency, and now works for Fox News. I rest my case.  

  4. Because if you had Kaine on the ticket with Obama then you would have 2 people with hardly any experience. Obama needed someone with years and years of experience to make his own look better.

  5. That is politics.

    Same people who believe Obama is qualified with less than two years experience piling on Palin for lack of experience.

    There is plenty of hypocrisy to go around.

  6. Arent all republicans.

  7. They don't care about real Americans..they sell snake oil to enrich themselves. The flag and God is their prop.

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