
Why are people making a big deal about a NWO and the PNAC?

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Look through history. Many nations have or tried to rule the known world. Look the Romans for example. Look at, the British. Look at the n**i's.... well they tried.

Why is it a big deal if a nation (america) does it now? Whats the difference.




  1. Its far more sinister then u think.the world governments are dumbing down its own people, with some chemicals in food, water, and air.  

      they are planing a North American Union (first) then some others, then another staged 911 well happen 3× worst martial law comes, put lots of people in FEMA camps and wipe them out. depopulation. Blame the attack on another country start a fake war again. world economy fails they try to fix it by mergeing others.  

    the fewer poeple the easier it is to control the mass of.

    keep that in mind.

    If the NAU dose come

    Game over!

    but we can stop it by getting to the real goverment not the Puppets.

    Edit: they already won in a way from u blind Sheeple. anyways the same bloodline has always ruled the world. just look it up.

    They like the number 11,

    there so much to know about these evil people.


    Wake up people its not to late.

    no joke.

    implanted RFID,Real id's,dont get any more shots, HAARP, Blue Beam,Chemtrails,and more Stop funding these greedy people.

  2. People generally only complain about what affects them personally, so what is happening now is what they complain about.

  3. Its the "rule" part that pisses them off.

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