
Why are people mean?

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Why are people mean?




  1. Cause they

    1 either have angry problems

    2 Aint loved

    3 Just have nothing better to do then p**s of that world with their own hate and problems

  2. because life is hard.

  3.   Most people aren't mean the ones that are should simply be ignored and they may go away.

  4. Becuase sometimes people deserve it.  

  5. because they've been treated poorly so they think they have to be mean to everyone else.

    or they've just had a tough time and can't help it.

    or they're in a bad mood.

    or they inherited it from mean parents.  

  6. This is a hard time for good people in the world. Every time someone sees goodness, kindness, or love, I think there is always someone out to destroy it! But do not give up being good and let them get to you!

    Keep on letting your light shine!

  7. Because they have such a sad life. "forget them"

  8. Mean to whom?

    We are the product of our environments. If someone is being mean to you, "Kill them with kindness." Turn the other check, at least, but an offer of kindness is much more effective in changing how people treat you.

    Be nice and avoid those who are not, when ever possible. Enjoy!
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