
Why are people mean when it is not necessary? What happened to good manners and kindness?

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I rode the train today and during the ride, I called a friend. There was a nice looking guy sitting next to me and he was reading a book. On the train, people talk, read, listen to music w/ headphones etc. I am halfway through my trip and the guy next to me snaps and states "are you going to talk the entire time?" He looked really evil and my jaw just dropped open. He started to go into a long speech about how he sat here first and that I shouldn't have sat near him. I was just shocked....utterly shocked. I told my friend on the cell to wait one second that the person that I am sitting next to on the train is extremely rude and walked away and stood up for the rest of the ride. I was actually a little scared. Why did the guy snap? There were others on the train talking on their phones etc. It put me in a really bad mood ..... its like his anger passed through me. I wish I didn't let it get to me like I do....but it just dumbfounds me why someone has to be so nasty. There were two older gentlemen sitting next to us. They just sat and gawked....didn't say a word. Silence means acceptance is some cultures.




  1. Sister he just needs to get laid bad!  thats all it is to it.

  2. It's kind of annoying to sit next to someone who's talking on their phone. Maybe you were being a bit loud or obnoxious- people do tend to do that when talking to their friends. I agree the guy's response was a little rude, but next time be polite and walk away to talk.

  3. just move on.  did that REALLY disturb you?  i'd be annoyed as well if someone is yakking away on the phone next to me, if i'm trying to read.  it couldn't have waited until you got off?  

  4. In my many years of taking the bus and train I can safely say you meet some mentally ill people on public transportation.   I would just consider the source and stay away from people like that.

    One time I saw a man and woman get into it on the seat in front of me, just strangers yelling and screaming at each other over whether it was okay for the woman to put her purse on the seat next to her when the train was completely full.  I think the woman was in the wrong but the way the guy just went bezerk, he just seemed about to throttle her.  The conductor had to put him off.

    I would just be careful on the train.  So what if you're feeling a little criticized, it's better than getting a knife for your trouble!  Just let the guy have his little tantrum and change seats to get away from psycho boy.   You were probably annoying on the phone but his reaction was overboard, and he was probably a nut.

  5. He's an idiot for expecting to have some peace and quiet on a train meant for passengers, and seats are available to whomever needs one. I would've stuck my finger down my throat and thrown up on his book.

  6. Sorry to say but I don't want to hear other peoples phone conversations. He should of been more polite about the situation but he was probably just sick of hearing the yacking. Sorry just my opinion.

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