
Why are people more nasty in public restrooms?

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Aren't they? They get louder, messy, and more serious smells emanate from public toilets than at home. Is it time to go back to big open holes?




  1. It's because its not their bathroom. So why should they care? I know public bathrooms are sometimes really disgusting. I try not to use them. If i do its only for emergencies.

  2. they feel less exposed in a public rest room.

  3. I'm wondering where have you been going to public restroom, because I live in South Florida and nothing like that ever happened to me.....

  4. ...Maybe they need to Relieve themselves in MORE ways than One... I've noticed the same thing... :(

  5. If we go back to "big open holes" where would the homeless sleep, or the druggies shoot up?  They need their privacy, too.

  6. I tend to be more refined in a public rest room. I never poo outside of my own home.

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