
Why are people offended by Obama suggesting that we learn other languages?

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I travel around the world and I wish that during my education I would have been able to learn more than what was offered during my French class. Besides, most other countries begin learning 2 sometimes 3 languages when they begin their education. I can only assume that learning more languages would only increase your intelligence. Your thoughts?




  1. I can think of a couple of reasons that people might object to what he said.

    First, he said it's "embarrassing" that Americans don't speak French when in Europe.  Why, exactly, is it "embarrassing" for him when other people don't speak French?  This does contribute to the charge of elitism... 'people should learn French so I'm not embarrassed when I travel'.

    Second, his words bring up the topic of immigration, which is a touchy subject to many.  "But understand this, instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English, they’ll learn English, you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish.”  By saying that people need to "make sure" their children are fluent in Spanish, he's basically asking for people to say he'll open the southern border.

  2. Learning another language wasn't the problem.  We're offended because he said that Americans are an embarrassment to him.

    The dems should be embarrassed that he's the best they can do.

  3. Well, I think America is stubborn.

    People might think Obama wants us to learn a different language so more people from different countries can come in and adapt easier.

    Do you notice how many foreign people don't speak english that well or at all in America?

  4. Pure ignorance, plain and simple.  We are the ONLY industrialized nation where the majority of the population speaks only one language.  Absolutely ridiculous if you ask me.

  5. I am not offended. I think it is a good thing as a lot of people from other countries come to the USA. I recently moved to Los Angeles and got a job as a stadium bartender. I serve and work with many Hispanics. In order to improve my customer service and provide myself with a new challenge, I enrolled in an Introductory Spanish class at Los Angeles Community College. I really like it and after I complete it I think I will try to master German. I regret that I didn't take a foreign language in High School.

  6. It is good to learn  more than one language.

    Knowing more  languages is an asset. In

    India we have several language, and many

    people  speak more than one language.There

    are few  people  who  travel,  learn or try to learn

    more languages. even Americans. How did you

    come to know that  people are offended  by Obama's

    suggestion of learning other languages?.

  7. I have seen that some people are offended by the suggestion.  That they are offended demonstrates the problem to me - the US culture is very isolated and self rightously unworldly.  I hope that this changes and admire his comments.

    No, I am not personally offended.

  8. Americans say "my way or the highway". It seems most people here think that if you move here, you need to adapt yourself to fit in and not be accommodated. Americans obviously want to be the same way and not be impacted by culture.

    If you think about it, America is much more expansive than say, Italy, France, Germany, and Spain combined. However, America is not diverse at all. There are so many miles and miles of the same culture in America, but in Europe the people are more diverse in a much smaller amount of space.   You can drive from the southern tip of Texas to the northern most part of Kentucky and see nothing but "country people", or you could drive in European countries and see vastly different architecture and different types of people speaking different languages. Most people outside America know many more languages than one. Here, you are even paid more for being bilingual.

  9. Because usually the people who complain are those who are low achievers and have complexes about others talking about them.

  10. Its not his place to suggest such things. This is a free country and if people want to learn a new language, that is their choice. Its not some politician's place to tell anyone how they should live.

  11. I believe that children should learn a second or third language.  I am not offended by that.  Perhaps some older people might be - because you know the drill "THIS IS AMERICA,  AND HERE WE SPEAK ENGISH."

    I agree with Obama.  It should be mandated.  Americans have been too lazy in that regard.

  12. are they offended?...what makes you so sure

  13. Americans want to live in a little English bubble..I think it's as simple as that.

  14. It isn't so much his desire for us to learn other languages, as it is his willingness to allow other languages to replace English within some U.S. cities where a non-English speaking community is growing.

    EDIT: When it comes down to it, all decisions regarding education should be a local matter at best and a State matter at worst. The federal government should not be involved.

  15. Because our kids strugle in this school system alrdy as it is trying to learn english adding another lanuage would make things harder mabey in 10 years after we fix the school system mabey.

  16. Because knowledge scares people.

    Everyone is concentrating on these petty little things like this and voting against making English the official language. We've gone this long without it being 'official' and nothing horrible has happened. If he did vote for it and it passed, what does it really change? Anyone? Beuller? It changes nothing. It doesn't affect us at all in the grand scheme of things.

    We should be worrying about rising costs of gas and groceries, the foolish war we are fighting, and other serious issues. It's ridiculous and asinine.

    It also leads me to believe people aren't voting with their brains this election year. They are following the rumors and using petty stuff as their argument to vote against Obama. Honestly, I think half the people who are voting shouldn't be. Stay home this November or do some research on the important stuff. This petty BS doesn't mean anything.

  17. Suggesting that we learn other languages is fine.

    Saying he is ashamed of Americans because they cant speak other languages is NOT.

  18. America started as a English speaking country and Americans want it to stay that way. yes learning more languages would help improve your intelligence for foreign languages but it shouldn't be forced on people like it is starting to be now.

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