
Why are people opposed to Nuclear Energy?

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Honest question. I just don't understand why people are opposed to nuclear energy with all the advancements that have been made in that field. I guess I would just like help understanding your arguments.




  1. I agree.. go nuclear.... its safe.. clean... leaves more oil for my truck ...

    the air pollution savings would be fantastic...

  2. People are afraid of the word.  The past generation was petrified of nuclear from the moment the bomb was dropped.  After that you had the cold war and after that Chernobyl and three mile Island.  People have been so afraid that they don't look at the real issues.

    Chernobyl was an extremely unsafe designed and was only ever used in Russia(former soviet union-lets hope it stays that way).  Three Mile Island actually worked in preventing a disaster in its design.  

    Nuclear can be used to provide safe clean energy.  

    However there are issues with the waste and there needs to be a way to reuse some of the waste.  Secondly, there are growing concerns for security.  

  3. One word: paranoia.

    After inidents like Chernobyl, not to mention movies like The Hills Have Eyes, people are convinced that nuclear energy equates tragic explosions and mutant babies running amok. People are afraid of it because when they think "nuclear," they think "bombs."

  4. It's more dangerous he fossil fuel, just look at Chernobyl!

  5. Use of Nuclear to generate electricity makes sense in isolation from its economic and social externalities. BUT, the problem is, as I see it, humans are not morally and socially mature enough to rise above the politics and look at all the tradeoffs involved. We have a radioactive waste management problem looming in the US and elsewhere already and we can't seem to get our minds around how to deal with it. Waiting for the waste problem to become a major medical crisis and dumping the science problem and all the unpaid costs it represents on us and future generations is an indication of the immaturity that is involved. I for one do not advocate building new nuclear-powered electric-generating plants and compounding the problems and dangers of spent fuel waste disposal, which could be as big as Global Warming is in all its economic, social, moral, political dimensions., is why I am opposing the leap to nuclear!

    (Advice:Focus on discussion of facts rather than arguing over silly labels designed by polititians and industry participants only to control the decisions we ultimately make about energy and our needs. There are serious issues here People who think otherwise are either ignorant at best or self-interest promoting at worst! May be both!

  6. Hiroshima and Nagasaki!

  7. Despite the advancements in the design and use of nuclear power plants, there are still a few negatives.  One drawback is that no nuclear reactor is entirely safe or free from radiation leakage.  The fuel used is highly radioactive and must be handled very carefully and shipped very carefully.  The exhaust, while scrubbed, is still somewhat radioactive, though it has been deemed at safe levels.  The waste from nuclear power plants must be stored somewhere and has a half-life of about 10,000,000 years.  It is contained in barrels and shipped by truck and train to repositories where it is buried.  The fuel that is burned in a nuclear power plant is, like petroleum, nonrenewable.

    In short, nuclear power is no more inexpensive, safe or renewable than oil or coal.

  8. Because a handful of nutjobs in Hollywood have used their soapbox to scare the general public. Some of us are smarter.

  9. Nuclear Energy when used makes Nuclear waste which is very hard to get rid of.

  10. Because there is the possibility of an accident and there is the case on how to safely dispose of the waste.

    Have you ever heard about the Three Mile Island accident? Go check a list of nuclear accident on the link I am providing you. Do not assume that because you haven't heard about them that they don't happen.

  11. If we can develop better ways to deal with the nuclear waste, then I'd have no problem with it at all.

  12. People are generally afraid of the word nuclear.  There have been attempts throughout history to show the public that nuclear power is benign, but many people still think that its malignant.  Also, the fission style produces nuclear waste, and many people will use that as a reason to oppose it.

  13. Years ago in a land faraway there was a terrible accident, in Chernobyl. Russia is still seeing the effects of that accident 30 years later, with increased cancers, birth defects and other diseases. Then we had a near meltdown at 3 mile island. People got scared, when it goes wrong it goes really wrong. I think people may be willing to consider it now, since we have had almost 30 years with no scarry headlines.

    The other thing that has many people still against nuclear power is the storage of the spent fuel rods. We have no way to clean and reuse or make them non hazardous. The only thing we can do at this time is bury them far below the surface of the earth. That isn't a real long term solution. If we increase our nuclear capacity we increase the amount of radiocative waste that must be transported and stored, that scares a lot of people. When the radioactive material is being transported they try to keep it secret, but because it takes so many safety measures it's hard to do. There is a greater threat of accidental or intentional damage during transportation.

    I think nuclear power is a reasonably safe and clean power source, but I think there is room for improvement, and I hope scientist keep looking for a way to deal with the nuclear waste.

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