
Why are people phony, and pretend like everything's always perfect and great?

by  |  earlier

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That's the attitude of the upper and middle classes. Everything is always great and perfect. Go organic, go green, have perfect hair, perfect clothes, the perfect tan, the perfect car, the perfect grades, ...the perfect attitude, that life is somehow perfectly catered to you, and all will somehow work out, everything is just always so perfect, and anything outside of perfections is to be looked down upon, frowned upon, disguisting, bad, horrible...loser....bla bla bla.

I don't like this phoniness. But it's all over, and most people are this way in life unfortunately.

Well at least in parts of the US.

But they know that this world isn't like that so...why do they keep pretending that everything is still so perfect and great?




  1. Just to hide their pain usually.

    Pretend everythings okay and to YOU, it is.

    Or face reality and suffer in pain.

    Take the blue pill or the red pill. Same concept.

  2. It's insane, isn't it?

    Ah, the media...society...has driven us to this. We want the perfect bodies, thanks to stick skinny people from Hollywood. In fact, we don't even know what the perfect body IS anymore. Celebrities have made us believe that if you look good, the world is perfect. If you have money, the world is perfect. Our idea of perfection has become so superficial, it's absolutely horrifying. I mean, what happened to the belief that if you're HAPPY, the world is perfect? Where did that simple concept go? Oh well.

  3. That's a really good question man. Once I think about it you're right. I think it has to do with a couple things personally.

    A lot of people have the money and time to spend on things that arent such a luxury to many. They want to look good, feel good, and most of all want others to perceive them as accomplished people.

    I dont really know too much about psychology (only took intro level in college) but to me it seems like many are proving to others they are sucesses, and/or better then the average person. Perhaps an inferiority complex exists. Also it seems the follow the crowd mentality exists. Their peers have similar lifestyles, therefore they have the tendency to immulate one another.

  4. Read Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse. His main character comes in contact with the clean and perfect middle class and has interesting thoughts.

  5. lol, U ever read "catcher in the rye"? You sound like Hayden Claufield- he also thinks that everyone around him were phonies. I think I know what you are talking about though- people are phonies. To tell you the truth I have no Idea why- I've always been different.

    I say it like it is and so I have never really fit in. I can speculate though- I think that everyone always tries to "one-up" each other? You know, its all about climbing that social ladder? I could be totally wrong, but thats just what I think.  

  6. it is very disturbing i know how you feel ,they do that because they pretend the problem isn't there just because you ignore it does not  men its not there so while there in there little world everything elts is going on around them the world decaying there loved ones dieing isn't happening they just don't care it has to be perfect in there worlds because if it wasn't why would they be in it? if they didn't clean cut it then some thing would be wrong in there worlds that something then rotting there world from the inside out like a peach rotting from the inside to the out then they would have to leave there wold and deal with the real one and that cant happen no no way they ignore it the bridge is OUT the bridge it out! but no one cares the grave train keeps on rolling right off the edge to death i live in no little world of fake I'm slob s***w the worlds going to h**l and i can admit it i know its happen there's no denying it  

  7. maybe it's not that people have an obsession with perfection, maybe it's that everyone wants to have control in one way or another and the only way to get control is to be optimistic about what they can control. this sounds more of like an angry rant than a question, find yourself a good outlet to plug your angry self into. and remember that just because someone is optimistic it doesn't make them a phony it just means they're not pessimistic like the rest of us, i for one think it's time people stopped being angry at what they cant understand.

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