
Why are people racist?

by  |  earlier

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i was on xbox live and someone asked me what i was and i told him i was part arab and he called me a sand n***** .

what should i say to someone like that next time




  1. first tell him not to be racist.... if that doesn't work

    just tell him to f ***** off!!!!!! & tease him back (and if u ever get in trouble just say 'i had to steak-up for my culture& contry'!!!)

    people p*** me off when they are racist or they try to act cool by being racist!!

    p.s. ignore them there just stupid racist people! one day ever thing that they done will came back to them!!

    goood luck lol!!!!

  2. Arabs are beautiful ppl, that only the stereotyped ppl, don't pay attention. I like arabs people and their countries, I wanted to stay in yemen. I jealous ppl who born in yemen.

    PLease help mine.;...

  3. Ignore them he was trying to get you to react that only amuses such people. On the point of Racism in general it is often caused by experiences both cultural(throughout history) and personal experience.

    Don't try to find reason his dumb friends were possibly encouraging him to say it.

  4. I wouldn't dignify that with an answer.

    He's just a jerk and he's trying to rattle you.

  5. WELL

    this is what my brother say to people like that...

    which always works..

    "GO f*ck yourself

    u  are uncultured

    that why u suck mad koala d*ick


    that always made anyone shutup

  6. just so you know arabs invented algebra while europeans were painting on caves dont think about what those ignorant people say they have little to no knowledge on history, and there g*y lol

  7. most of the time people are racist out of humor, i am a redneck and use racist jokes alot because they are that much funnier, but alot of poeple get judged on their ethnicity because of how they act. for example i dont like black people because iv been robbed and jumped by black people. alot more black people sell drugs , murder people and commit crimes then any other ethnicity. 90 percent of prisoners in america are black. statistics dont lie, alot of black people are lazy and collect welfare and food stamps and live of off hard working peoples tax money. another example is mexicans, i dont like mexicans because thousands of illegals come into this country every year and work for cheaper. i got layed off because of a mexican who will work for 5 dollars an hour and go back to his country in a year and be rich. its part of the reason americas economy is all messed up.people have been racist forever and it  will always be here. i could give u hundreds of examples but the only thing u can do is be mature and ignore it or be agressive back towards them wich could get u hurt or possible killed one day. you gotta learn to deal with it.

  8. Ask him if his mummy knows that he is talking to strangers.

  9. tell him you want to sell your camel and oil

  10. people are just rude.. dont listen to them!

    its not true.. they are just immature!

    trust me.. im from the south so people call me poor white trash :(

    they always throwstupid stuff at me.. lol. people are just really immature and theyt just wnt to be stupid and make fun of people! ughh good luck dude.. just ignore him.. dont say anything!

  11. When someone is racist i find it best to ignore them. It just makes them happier if you argue back with them or get into a fight over it. Those people are ignorant and I don't waste my time thinking of what to say back to them i just walk away.


  12. I asked it here before and this is what I got, please refer to the link.;...

  13. most of the time people are racist for weird reasons , parents that are racist, friends, its all got to do with country in politics in the end. being racist is the stupidest thing in the world, dont let anything get to you because there still are some people who arent rasist so ignore the mean ones

  14. Just say "Racism is pure ignorance."

  15. can't you just google this stupid question?? seriously it has been asked so many freakin times!!!!!

    WHO CARES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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