
Why are people reluctant to using human fecal by-products as an energy source?

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We see dairy farms using their cow's methane to power their machines, why can't we?




  1. Because the fact that one gallon of c**p compaired on to one gallon of gas, the energy in a gallon of c**p will probably power a TV for about 30 seconds I suppose...I mean just do the f/cuking math and then you'll know why....

  2. Is it even possible? I've never read anything on it. Perhaps the cows diet makes their f***s better for that purpose? If human f***s had the potential for such use, I can't imagine why anyone would oppose it...if it were cost effective to convert it (or parts of it) into a useable fuel.

  3. There would be the problem of capturing and transporting the fecal matter, as well as the possible spread of disease.

    Not to mention the smell!

  4. Councils and government bodies would be reluctant to pursue this field until there is a greater public acceptance and understanding of the process.

    Also, the process involved with converting waste to bacteria has two stages, an acid forming stage, where the solids are broken down into fatty acid chains and then the methane forming stage, where bacteria converts it to methane.

    The second stage can be inhibited by the first and can also only happen in the absence of oxygen- so there are infrastructure costs, coupled with the possibility that an imbalance of different bacteria could reduce or halt the process.

    Also, human waste flushed down the toilet is coupled with other contaminants that could interfere with the biological process.

  5. who is going to p**p in a bag, hold on to it until its collected and taken away? we use horse fecal

  6. First because of all the collecting issues involved.  Also because of the handling issues.  It is considered hazardous waste and carries a risk of infection.  That kind of material requires a ton of extra protection and handling issues.

  7. ACTUALLY, if you've ever passed by a waste water treatment plant, most of them have a burner somewhere on the property. In some cities you'll see them burning big yellow flames, in other cities you can't see them. But what is being burned off is methane. As to WHY the cities won't/can't use it, I cannot answer. But yes, they DO collect methane from human waste, but burn it there.

  8. Let us try we can do it.

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