
Why are people scared of bugs?

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Okay, I am scared of every kind of insect known to man. A very, very big Entomophobic and I know I am one of billions of people who have this problem.

What I'd like to know is, why?

What is it about a bug, no matter what kind of insect it is, why is a human being so deathly afraid of them? Is it cause of how they look? We are so much bigger and superior than they are...

So when last year when I saw a spider about the size of a quarter in my basement, and it JUMPED about as high as my knee caps, I d**n near fainted. Or the millipede I saw down there last week, I started smashing it with my she 50 times. Let's not mention the Cricket I found in my kitchen, I wouldn't go int heir unless my husband killed it first.

What is it about bugs that frighten people so much?




  1. no bugs scare me only them 8 legged freaky things

    urghh there ugly weird looking things

  2. because bugs suck

  3. Because they are small, they are not easy to notice.  I don't like the idea of something being able to get close enough to crawl on me without my notice.  Only kind of bugs I'm really afraid of, though, are things like black widow spiders and such... things that can hurt.

  4. because people are usually scared of things that may possibly look scary to them such as an 8 legged think with 20 eyes... or people think all bugs are harmful

  5. because they are creepy and they crawl

  6. Because we don't know if and when they will bite and what it will do when and if it does. Not to mention they are down right creepy looking. I am scared to death of spiders. Never knew really why but now I do. Our dog was bitten by a spider. It started out as the size of a pencil eraser. Now it is the size of a half dollar. She has been to the vet 2 times and we still don't know if they are just going to have to cut all of the tissue out. I hate bugs!  

  7. its mainly media (as always) when your an impressionable kid you watch all sorts of creepy crawly films pertaying bugs as bad u might not nessascarily remember also  what i kno scares alot of people is that they can crawl anywhere in an around your clothes , the thought of a squirming millepede wriggling into your pants isnt a pleasent one i think youll agree

  8. I am honestly a true believer that it is a learned behavior, I think that we are so scared of them because our mom's were and why wouldn't we be scared of something that made our mommies scream when we were small?  I am not scared of bugs, I forced myself to believe that they aren't scary now I show every bug I can to my 9 month old little girl to hopefully Keep her from being frightened of them. :) I don' t know just a theory.. I feel if we are never taught that they are scary we won't be scared of them.

  9. i guess its like any other phobia.  i am afraid of bugs because theyre icky.  people can be afraid of anything, its just one of those things.  if it really bothers you and interfering with your day to day life, see somebody about it.

  10. Tough guys are scared. I once saw a big fat tattooed biker dance like a ballerina because there was a bee flying around. I laughed and tried to catch it with my mouth

  11. It may be the fear of getting bit or just the creepy way they look. I can totally relate to you I am deathly afraid of every kind of bug also!

  12. I don't know. I don't mind unless they are in my bed. even then its not that big of a deal. i just flick 'em away.

  13. I wish I knew. I have severe arachnophobia. But I also hate those darn centipedes. I guess it's because they have those tons of legs that can make them move really fast and jump on you!

  14. "...spider..." maybe God has given you a blessing to fear them, so you will not touch and get bitten and die.

    Some bugs can hurt, and actually kill a person.

  15. Their size and the way they move.

    They are the biggest common invaders of your home and move seemingly aggressively.

    I am talking about larger house spiders - any other bug is OK!  

  16. The erattic movement freaks me out!  So unpredictable!

  17. Because they are nasty little creatures and some are poisonous.  It's really just an act of pain aversion and self preservation.

    That's what I think at least.

  18. because they're ugly, make weird noises, hairy, and have many legs

  19. because it's a phobia called insectophibia

  20. People are afraid of spiders/bugs because of many reasons -

    1. They look creepy and ugly. Just make any bug crawl on your body and you will feel itchy or pinch as they have hair like structures on their legs. Any thing ugly and creepy will scare you. Many ans. to your Q. have all ready proved my point.

    2. People don't understand them. They think bugs/spiders will bite them/lay eggs on them/crawl inside their ears, mouths etc. so they tend to kill it even if it is just going about it's business.

    3. Many people have bad memory or experiences with bugs/spiders. Maybe it crawled on them while sleeping or bit them. They had to be hospitalized etc.

    4. Some poisonous bugs/spiders have caused death and this creates a fear and all bugs/spiders are considered poisonous.

    5. Some movies have also given a negative publicity to them. They are shown as evil and giants who are enemy of people. Such movies have a great impact on the psyche of people especially children.

    6. Some people actually suffer from ARACHNOPHOBIA etc.

    7. Illiteracy are one of the biggest factors. The population of Illiterate people is more than literate. Majority of such people don't know much about insects. They think them as destroyers of crops or disease causers. What they fear thus must be killed ?

    8. Ignorance - While bigger animals are known by all, insects have not got that much of attention. Those that we knew were only house pests like flies, roaches, mosquitoes. These were the once most noticeable and these were the one's that caused lots of death. So all insects got a negative image. Our parents would kill them and tell us to keep away from them. This image became got imprinted in our minds in a way that we fear all of them.

  21. 'cause they sneak up

    and they crawl

    sometimes have a lot of legs

    sometimes bite, tickle, and you don't know what's in 'em

    basically fear of... small things...  

  22. They're so little, and they have no personalities. At least I don't think they do. They have scary eyes and since they're little they look like they could get into your eyes, ears, or nose. Which wouldn't be fun. And they make weird buzzing sounds and you're afraid of accidentally swallowing one if you keep your mouth open too long outdoors.

  23. because they're misunderstood :[

  24. i'm the same exact way. i try to think that way like "ok come on you're bigger than this little bug i think you can handle it" lol but it doesn't seem to work. the only thing i can think of is because they're different and kind of mysterious to us. just a guess though. either way i'm still afraid!

  25. Bugs can sting us and/or harm us.  Also, if we accidentally squash one it will make a crunching noise and green blood will ooze out.  Bees can be deadly if you have an allergic reaction.  Spiders are obviously quite creepy.  Bugs have a lot of legs too, which is odd and gross.

  26. Cause you rarely know what kind it is.

    you don't know if it's poisonous

    you don't know what kinds of disease it carries

    you don;'t know where it's been

  27. because their stupid and retarded and stupid.

  28. OMG spiders can jump? You just made me more scared of them

  29. I hate bugs because i have a feeling that theyre gonna crawl on me or bite me and some of them are big and i would hate to get one of them on me


  30. there usually quick, and feel gross touching you and they catch you by surprise.  

  31. there creepy cause there small has legs (sum have lots) there usually darkk and crawl and sum bite. ewwww i hate them!! I dont blame you I HATE EVERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY BUGGGGGG





    ahahah i hatee themm ewww i get goose bumps just thinking about them!

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