
Why are people shocked that an EarthQuake happened in L.A ?

by Guest33447  |  earlier

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I mean the place is built on a massive Fault Line, why are people shocked? It will happen again and probably take out the whole palce one day, so get ready for it folks, it's a comin!!!!




  1. No one is shocked.  You're not the only person who knows this.

  2. You never know when it will happen.  

  3. i don't know that people are necessarily shocked, i think it's just scary (obviously) and it's news

    also, if it happens in the states, then everyone will hear about it

  4. Dear sir, I am the person who gives more answers about earthquakes and Tsunami. Please go back to my history. I am a mechanical engineer by profession. In the year 2001 our country lost the life of about 100,000 due to Gujarat earthquakes. I have studied the reason and found solution. By using earthquake alarm most of the people can be saved. This concept even though accepted by some scientists group our country metrological department refused to accept the usage of  my simple earthquake alarm. They have also criticized about my knowledge on seismology as  a challenge I gained my knowledge by visiting several countries and reading books and getting advice from top scientists. By the use of my simple earthquake alarm and my gained knowledge I issued the warning of Tsunami 2 hours before Tsunami struck our coast. Even though I answered for several of the earthquakes even bigger than this now only we got more number of question than any other quakes. The reason is there are more number of educated people living in fear Please don’t fear. You are now in safe for at least another ten years.

  5. I'm not.  That one wasn't even that big.

  6. DUH! It is scary! People are going to be shocked!

  7. A lot of people arent... in the news they say its just because of the fault line...

    they arent really shocked because they knew exactly what to do in the case of an earthquake and everything.

  8. Its really stupid to build or invest long term out there its like hitting a warhead with a hammer its going to go off!

  9. It's human. No one wants to face the fact, if the fact is undesirable!

  10. Because we haven't had one in like 14 years.

  11. Well it just happened out of the blue you know, so of course people would be shocked. But yea, we need to know we're not safe from all the troubles we hear about too.

  12. They never saw it coming thats why.Imagine your on your work then all of a sudden your desk starts shaking.

  13. Most people knew but they are just indenial until a tragic thing happens and wake them up!

  14. thats why nobody is.

  15. well, there hasnt been one in a while, i guess thats it

  16. because they haven't experienced a quake as strong as the one on july 29th for a about a decade now... let's say they were shaken out of their complacency

  17. Not shocked but interested.

  18. i'm dissappointed, I was hoping it was the 'big one' !

  19. People seem to think wherever celebrities breathe, the place MUST be some blessed land.

  20. They dont want to beleive their perfect palace will be the aftermath of total destruction soon.

  21. well from all the people i talked to they aren't shocked. I'm in italy right now but i have been living in LA for 14 years. that's a risk someone is going to have to take. you move to cali, expect earthquakes. people would be like ok... and carry on with their work... or clean up.. and believe me LA is not gunna be taken down any time soon in the next 40-50 yrs, yes. but soon i don't believe so. and i personally think this question is a bit of a waste... well lets say u have an earthquake..and i ask why were you shocked... ok maybe some folks were shocked, because they are not used to having an earthquake, but then again us Los Angeles people aren't used totornado'ss..

  22. Because there has not been an earthquake since the nineties.

  23. No one is shocked....

    it's the same for the midwest who have tornadoes

    ever wonder why people still live in trailers in those areas?

  24. Do you live here there not socked stuff like that is always on the news and if they were we don't have earthquakes here that much thats why.

  25. Hey! I'm living in LA, I don't want to think about that. They are saying that it's going to be hit by "the big one" sometime soon. When it does I hope that's far off from now.So far that I'm already dead. Plus the reason they were so worked up was because it was a 5.4, which is quite heavy, it's a good thing it only lasted like 20 seconds.

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