
Why are people so Naive and dont believe in Global warming ?

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It's a fact, it's happening wether we like it or not.

Why do people question this when in fact it's true ?

Will they not belive it untill its to late ?

You cant possible think that all the pollution FROM the past and present hasnt effected out earth in any way !!

Why are those people In DENIAL ?




  1. I might ask the same question in a different way:  Why are people so naive and believe everything failed politicians and Hollywood celebrities say about Global Warming?

  2. answer to question 1:

    The problem is that scientists on both sides have very different opinions.

    You are right, both sides do generally agree that the earth is definitely still warming "wether we like it or not. They just strongly disagree on who and/or what is causing it.

    answer to question 2:

    The AGW theory is questioned because there is compelling evidence for and against  both sides.

    Global warming is the prediction from a large number of Scientists that Humans are causing the earths climate and GHG's to climb beyond what would occur naturally. They generally contend that it will lead to the Destruction of our Planet from AGW(Anthropogenic Global Warming).

    There is also a large number of Scientists that predict that the earth is simply in a warming cycle and that we humans have a small effect (if any) on the climate changes. They generally do not refer to this warming as Global Warming.

    Even though technically it is.

    They do not claim the doom & gloom but both sides agree we MUST recycle when possible and conserve our natural resources and preserve our natural habitat.

    The term global warming is more of a political term and is misleading. For the most part everyone agrees that we are definitely warming up gradually the big and I mean big question is why and what and/or who is causing it?

    There may be evidence that the earth is warming, but no real scientific fact to support why it is.

    Most articles from both sides are just articles that base little on fact and more on short term evidence.

    I think for the most part, the discussion on (Global Warming) is much like our modern day court system. Both sides just try to prove their side with hundred of websites all claiming to disprove the other, or no real proof. Both sides have extreme activists. Money and politics are major players, and the right thing or the moral thing to do is not high on the priorities list.

    The only difference from our court system is that the global warming issue has no short term answer that would be equivalent to jury and /or Judge.. only time holds our future or fate. I would keep in mind that either side may be found to be wrong.

    answer to question 3:

    Regardless of what is causing it,  (natural heating & cooling cycles, AGW or some other reason) I believe we have a responsibility to conserve energy, preserve our habitat and recycle everything that is feasibly possible.

    I just do not believe that we are causing a doom & gloom warming catastrophe. I do know that we need to prepare now by conserving energy, preserving nature and preparing for the next climate change (whether it continues to heat up or we start into another cooling cycle).

    Answer to your last question:

    To properly answer your question we need to clarify your statement claiming that people are in denial. A skeptic is not a person in denial.

    I would say that most skeptics are wrongly labeled as deniers. The truth is that many, many skeptics may actually believe that man, to some degree may have some effect on  "global warming". Just not the doom & gloom.

    A responsible scientist is a skeptical scientist. He attempts to use research in order to arrive at the truth. A reputable scientist never attempts to use research to prove what he believes to be true or what he would like to see proven.

    He may, have a theory that he bases his initial research on.  He should question every result along the way in order to ensure that the results are accurate, and not overlook possible results that do not support his theory.

  3. I dont know.....

         but it doesnt take long to unplug appliances/chargers etc.... when not in use

    to turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth, and turning of the water while washing your hair and body....or to recycle.... buying biodegradable stuff...riding the bus...etc...


  4. Well I don't believe in man-made global warming, sure it's getting slightly warmer right now but not due to mans efforts.

    Imagine if the likes of Greenpeace ever got into power and wound back the clock to a pre-industrialised time. Very quickly your life would become very hard.

    Mean while the Chinese and Indians having not hobbled their economies with this fake nonsense could enjoy the life style you have now.

  5. Please show us where we are wrong.  Since you believe global warming is real, just tell us if it will be warmer or colder this summer and show us your work so we can better understand.

    I don't think you can do this, however.  I think you believe global warming is real, because it touched an emotional chord in you.

    There is nothing real about AGW.  Even NASA scientist at Earth's Observatory say that the Sun is responsible for at least half of any warming.

    [Edit] No, global warming isn't real.  You are more gullible than most.

  6. Because most people are ignorant plebs, more concerned with issues that are directly related to them.

    I blame self-absorption, and a society that rewards this.

    Ignorance is bliss.

    If they ignore it, they think it will go away.

    In economics its a concept called 'discounting'; a general attitude of 'enjoy now, pay later'.

  7. How does Al Gore's Kool-Aid taste?

    Is it the same flavor as when Global Cooling was in vogue?

  8. Some are and some aren't. I blame the sun myself.

  9. every one are scared to change their lifestyles. we all in this world are going to see changes that we have no control over.

  10. It's a little more complicated than that.....the problem is that there is statistical evidence that global warming is a natural cicle of the earth (i once saw a statistical study that proved that babies came from paris)

    So they use that evidence (notwithstanding the huge amount of evidence to the other side) to say "hey, if it's true, we're gonna regret having damaged our economy"......however, the key factor here is not global's matter how green we go, we still have an economy that relies on population growth. and that will mess up the planet for sure. the change of mindset has to be much bigger than going green.

    As for the people that are not politicians and don't own factories, well.... some people believed that brittney was a virgin till marriage...what can i say. It is admirable, though, how campaignist have succesfully associated denying global warming with a sense of patriotism

    To the people above me: The fact that a winter is ridiculously cold doesn't mean that global warming is fake. Unpredictable climate is a consequence of it, because it creates a more dinamic atmorphere (it has more energy). So when you urge people to learn how to read scientific evidence, maybe you should learn a little science.

    Greenpeace DOES however use a lot of stupid propaganda which is very damaging for the cause. However , real scientific work does prove global warming. Ice caps ARE melting. I suggest you read scientific journals instead of watchig FOX news when you want to make a point about this

  11. Because 100 years of data on a 4.6 billion year old planet doesn't mean anything.

    add to that the people who DO have science (don't have the links here, it's in a book at home) arguing against it are shot down as "fascists" without their data being looked at.

    add to that the fact that the weather is a HIGHLY complex system that we don't fully understand to begin with.

    (If this is still open tomorrow, I'll bring the links to work with me and post them.)

  12. They know, but just do not admit it, because that would mean that they would have to step out of their comfort zone.

  13. Usually the most naive people are the ones assuming others have no rational basis behind their thinking. There are two side to every question (not necessarily equal sides, but two sides never the less), and unless you can see the reasons behind other peoples thinking you have no hope of having a meaningful conversation with them. All sort's of seemingly obviously true things that clearly need no proof turn out to be false. And global warming is not an obvious problem at all. I bet if you hadn't ever been told about it, or read about it , you would never have figured it out all by yourself. So it is not an obvious thing that all regular people can just know, it has to be taught, and like many things that have to be taught, they can be taught wrong. You need to not only try to understand other people's thinking, but you need to look closely at how you came to believe what you believe and carefully consider if you have nothing to change your mind about. All people who do so ultimately change their mind about something. It is just impossible for any person to ever be 100% right about anything, because people simply do not have perfect knowledge and information available to them.

  14. We deniers educated ourselves in the real facts of global warming...the fear tactics used to describe global warming is just that fear tactics.

    You have to be naive to believe that man would perish. Carbon credits has become an investment tool for companies wishing to bypass's all about making money....and it seems to be the PC thing to be involved with...sorry but those that are sounding the alarm are doing so because they have financial interest to do so.....from govt grants to TV commercials.

  15. those are the ones being paid off by the factories

  16. i completely agree with u!

    why are all these people walking around blindy being as stupid to pretend its not happening?

    they really need to face the facts and start helping to cure our planet for future generations.


  17. Pollution and global warming are two separate things. The planet is definitely getting polluted and its natural resources are getting depleted day by day. But global warming is not even remotely true. Learn to evaluate scientific evidence instead of spouting propaganda that you heard at the latest greenpeace rally.

    The polar icecaps are not shrinking, in fact the ice coverage is larger than it has been for decades. The "ice-caps breaking up" that they love to show at propaganda rallies, is just natural summer calfing. It grows back during the winter months and then some. CO2 emissions do not predate temperature rises, instead temperature-rises predates CO2 emissions from CO2 stored in the oceans and in the ice.

    This is not rocket science, it's pretty basic evidence analysis.

  18. You're worried about global warming and you own 3 cars!  At least you are supporting the economy.

  19. Autumn, unless you live in China or India, any rules/regulations or laws your country enacts will not do ANYTHING to "fix" this alledged problem.

    China & India have NO environmental controls and are building more coal fired energy plants in the next two years than we in America have.  This is in addition to the plants they already have.

    So, how many more jobs doesn't your country need?  How many people can you support after they are plunged into poverty because WE CANNOT COMPETE with China & India?

    Do you know that in the US our emissions have actually DROPPED in the past decade - based on rules put in place in the 70s and 80s?  I bet not as Al Gore doesn't tell the truth.

    Finally, for the past 700+ years the earth has been in a mini-ice age.  Because of that it HAS to get warmer.  Our climate is cyclical and it is just time for the earth to warm up, human contributions or not.

    I don't know I have bothered to present you with FACTS because Gore believers don't want facts, they just want everyone to jump on the panic bandwagon with them.

  20. *They think that just because climate changes for natural reasons that this explains the current changes. They are undaunted by the fact that nearly all credible climate experts have already ruled out the current warming being caused by natural variations. They keep saying it again and again anyways, making themselves look stupid.

    *Apart from that, people are simply science illiterate. They don't understand how it works. They think that a scientist's theory is the same as a religious belief in credibility.

    * They completely don't understand the effect that a small change in global temperature can create, and try to use the small changes as an indicator that the problem is not severe. Once again declaring to the world that they are stupid and uninformed.

    *Politics and religion. The issue divides people down political and religious lines. These sorts of people choose what to believe based on faith and politics and not by evidence. They effectively have no free will.

    The parallels between AGW and evolution denialism are obvious, and the perpetrators are generally the same people.

  21. The key word is "believe."

    That is your religion, so don't badger people to believe in your religion when there's no scientific proof of what you believe in. But you're free to believe in anything you want.

    Just don't berate those who don't share your belief system.

  22. I do recognize that the earth gets warmer. I like to call it "summer"

  23. Global Warming kicks ***!!!!   I am buying a nice resort on the Kamchatka Peninsula and will need all the tourism help I can get.  If the naysayers keep it up, I should be able to live out my dream and sip pina caladas by the pool while my cabana girl rubs my feet. Please tell me your "scientific" evidence promises me a prosperous future in the sun!!

  24. Because people are idiots. Basically, they'd rather live in denial than try to do anything to fix the problem. Nobody believes they can make a difference and they also just want to leave it for the next generation to deal with. Selfish...

  25. tell you what....if the great genius scientist can even tell me 100% correctly what the weather is going to be like 3 days from now i will jump right on that GW bandwagon.....till then ill keep laughing at the weather men's 10 day outlook and naive GW alarmist's "100% correct predictions"

  26. I have looked over the answers so far. I see that there are a lot of emotion on this topic. Calling a person this or that only clouds the issue. We need to understand that we are a PART of this world, we have a huge impact on it, but still a part. We think in short terms, my lifetime and not our kids and there kids. Please think on this, even if we are wrong about global warming, we leave behind a clean planet for our children. Now the real answer to your question is not a simple one. I think that the root cause is that we are not taking the responsibility of what we are doing. We do not mind believing that we can change the world then you have to by definition see that we can change it in a bad way as well!!!

  27. (Most) People are goddamned selfish, self-obsessed and pretty much dont care about anyone else or anything at all. And these people are d**n freaking lazy to even sit up and think about what is going on in our world. Personally, i think these people would rather DIE than to save themselves....... ;[

  28. I am not going to pretend to know a ton about this topic....but I am going to toss a two things out there.

    The earth goes through on the planet changes to adapt to the changes on the earth.  I don't think the "extreme" religious or the big bang believers out there can dispute that there have been documented changes for many, many the collective "we" have something to do with those changes?  Of course.  In more ways than one........has anyone thought that maybe the endangered species are endangered for a reason?  Are they evolving as other species have done?  Are "our" actions of interfering with this part of the cycle having negative effects on the overall outcome?  I am not saying we should go out and do away with any species........maybe just sit back and look at the whys and the hows of the situation.

    I also give a bit of thought to crude oil.  Oil is an insulator......"we" are sucking the earth's insulator away from it.  It makes sense to me that this might have something to do with the rising temperature.

    Just an average Jane who gets ideas stuck in her head sometimes........could be WAY off base.....might be on to something.

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