
Why are people so against GLOBAL WARMING if the mounties will overflow with FOOD just like the BIBLE SAYS?

by Guest62334  |  earlier

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I was just wondering. Does RON PAUL KNOW THAT?




  1. The mountains had better be overflowing with food to make up for the coastal plains that will become flooded. Somehow, I doubt that even mountains overflowing with food will be enough to feed the burgeoning world population.

  2. the bible doesnt say that

  3. So Canada IS in the Bible???

  4. Are you the leader of the "Cult of Denial"? Do you want everyone to worship your 'beliefs'?  Do you drink water from Lake Mead? It's gonna be bone dry in less than 15 years! No usable water in just 6 years!

    btw....Ron Paul is an idiot!

  5. wtfh ru talking about???

  6. Those will be some fat mounties, eh?  Will the streams overflow with Labatt's?

    Do you mean RuPaul?

  7. The bible is fake. Don't believe everything it says.

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