
Why are people so against or mocking of Rastafarians?

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When I say Rastafarians I mean true ital-living (wholesome living) Rastafarians not pseudo-rastas- just having dreads does not make you a Rasta!

Some basic Rasta principles

1- vegetarians, no meat, no fish, no cruelty to animals

2. no alcohol, no tobacco only the "herb" that is not meant to be abused either.

3. peaceloving, seeking the unity of mankind

4. no violence and respect for women and children

5. placing great emphasis on study, the Bible and spiritual works

6. reggae music- what's wrong with that?

I mean, these principles do no harm to anyone and in today's world could acttually do some good. I have had many interesting and deep conversations with real rastas, not all of whom smoke either, and so why all the negativity? Even if you don't agree with their interpretation of theology and history surely their principles are admirable?




  1. They have very poor hairstyles. It makes them look primitive and undeveloped.

  2. All they do is sit around smoking pot, they are a disgrace to humanity - wasting precious life like that.

  3. Emjay, my boyfriend made a real Rastafarian friend from Jamaica not so long ago and they have been getting on so well. I met him last weekend when my boyfriend came to visit and we all went out for dinner on Saturday. He was lovely, so respectful, so calm and very funny! He does smoke a little "herb" every now and again. We had a braai on Friday night as they arrived and himself and my boyfriend played the guitar and his Reggie music. It was a lovely weekend! He's got the real rasta accent to which I dig!! lol

    I love their principles and how they look at different situations within the world, we could ALL learn something from them!

  4. some people are just like that...people pick on other cultures everyday, its just the way the world is, even though it sucks and shouldnt happen.people reject the unfamiliar...since they dont know alot of rastas ar about the culture, they dont understand and decide to mock it and make fun of it...

  5. Because of the pseudo rastafarians who just seem to be weed-heads and nothing but that (and have their dreadlocks dreadfully filthy). But that's about it. Otherwise nice people.

  6. I think, partly, that some of them (whether they are the real thing or not) look rather fearsome with their looong dreads twirled around their heads and then the gi-normous brightly coloured cap over it.  And then also partly because people simply do not udnerstand them and their beliefs.  It sounds just too easy.

  7. Just as with any race or creed  that is percieved as different

    it is stereo typing and discrimination at it's worst.

    we seldom make any effort to get to know others and get to know thier culture

  8. Irie man.

  9. i an i     ridim fulla culture

  10. I agree.  Rastafarian principles are very admirable.  I may feel and act differently, but that's what makes the world such an interesting place.  Cheers!!

  11. Play I some music

  12. I think it probably has to do with the fact that most Rastafarians aren't Rastafarians at all. They dress that way, listen to the music and smoke the ganja (which incidentally is illegal in most Western societies), but when all is said and done, it stops there. You get the same thing among Christians, too. There are many who don't actually apply the principles at all. The result is that they are perceived as being hypocrites.

    With Rastas, it goes a bit further. I don't know about SA, but in Europe, some can be quite aggressive and anti-social - for example, having noisy parties that go on all night and disturb everybody, and paying no attention when the neighbours ask them to calm down; leaving their houses and gardens in a filthy state of disrepair; seriously overcrowding their houses; spending more time on the dole than most people; bringing up their children in an ill-disciplined and disorderly way; and so on. All these reasons go against them. And the fact that they are easily recognizable means that people recognize them as Rastas, and put all Rastas into the same basket.

    Some of them probably do try and follow their principles, but it is not always easy, from the outside, to tell which are which.

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