
Why are people so aggressive?

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Why are people so aggressive on this site?




  1. Maybe because you ask questions about Sri Lankan women in a Thai Travel Forum.  And people may have thorugh that was stupid.

  2. Beeecause people think that they can act how they want since they're safely protected behind the pc monitor

    Mostly these are the people that in real life can't really express themselves due to shyness

  3. What makes you think people are aggressive? other than the expat who gives me a thumbs down on every answer:)

    I like to be helpful. But Khun Bob usually beats me. lol

  4. I think we are living in a world where aggression and rudeness is becoming the norm,I can only hope that peoples very souls aren't being tainted, try smiling,try understanding,lol,my motto if someone hits me on the cheek.....I knock the c**p out of them,then help them up,dust them off and buy them a drink!

  5. I think that people have a lot of anger I am a kind loving caring person who goes out of my way to help people I help turtles cross the road etc..... but I have anger issues myself I don't know why but it takes very little to set me off I usually feel like I am close to road rage weekly I feel like I am on the defense all the time.

  6. I didn't notice YA Thailand being particularly aggressive. YA Japan where I also go is way more aggressive (but that's Japanese culture for you). Thai people and the foreign expats that live there tend to be pretty laid back - in other words most of the people that post answers in this section. There are some bad things about YA Thailand - one person in particular is aggressive and cheats outrageously by voting for himself massively (I don't think there is any need to name names, anyone who comes here frequently knows who) - he's just a saddo who ruins YA Thailand for other people.

  7. not sure....

    so far, not many people have been agressive towards me so i have no say in this XD

  8. Try and let it go - - don't let others bother you - I know it is not easy - I used to have a retail business and would tell my employees that you will meet 95 nice people a day 4 total jerks and 1 complete a**hole who should not be allowed out in public - and I would tell them that most likely after work they will go home and talk abt the A** and keep that with them - - they are not worth your time

    try and remember the nice people - I have actually made a few good friends from this site - - good luck -  

  9. I've noticed that.  i think maybe its because people can remain anonymous with no consequences for what they say.  Some people are just mean spirited, and they get to let that out here while hiding behind their computer.  But that happens alot of places online, not just here.  Those people are cowards.   :o)

  10. Did you ever read any of the comments people used to post to news stories on Yahoo?

    Yahoo has since disabled that feature, man talk about aggressive and down right hateful.

    I think people take a lot of s**t in their lives and for some reason they feel the need to dish a little back. I guess they feel this is a good place to do it because they're anonymous.

    To be honest, I get a little snarky at certain types of questions on here. For example, questions about prostitution in Thailand bug the **** out of me. Things like, "why is it so bad in Thailand? Those poor girls" (as if it's worse there than any other major city in the world.) Or some guy asking where to find it. Jesus, how lame you have to be to have to ask that question here?

    But those guys aside, I like to be helpful. But Khun Bob usually beats me. lol

  11. because there is a level of anonymity on this site. you dont really know the person who is posting the questions nor do you know who is answering them. this lack of familiarity means people do not see the need to spare anyone's feelings and are often very blunt, in some cases to the point of being rude. others are just down right mean individuals but this is a site of opinions not facts. when you put your question out there for all to see you are asking the world for their opinion on the matter. and whether rude or not you cannot change the opinion of another.  

  12. well it is said that even a mice is a tiger in his home.similarly here,even some most cowardly people in real life are the manly ones and r aggressive becoz punches don,r travel on the net.

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