
Why are people so amazed Sarah Palin hasn't cracked under the negative publicity?

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Obama has been getting lied about for over a year and he hasn't complained once. This lady has been in the spotlight for little over a week and people praise her for not wavering under pressure. Can someone explain that to me? Is it just low expectations?




  1. >>Obama has been getting lied about for over a year and he hasn't complained once.<<

    Were his daughters called whores? Was paternity questioned? Was he accused of trying to kill one of them? Was his spouse accused of molesting them?

  2. What you saw on Wednesday night is . . .  Obama with a resume.

  3. Because Hillary was crying by now

    And Obama has been attacked on his words and actions and called out for his blatant lies and racist remarks and the racist remark of his wife and co campaigner

    Palin has had to watch her bystander children attacked

    And please don't even try to say he hasn't whined about it

    Remember the don't look like them speech

    He has been whining for months

  4. It ain't over until it's over. She will crack once they loose to Obama/Biden. And you know what...? They most definetely will.

  5. It's called only seeing what you want to see.

    It's don't pay too much attention.

  6. Of course she hasn't cracked - the McCain people won't let reporters ask her a single question. Not today, and she won't this weekend either. I guess she's doing her Invisible Woman impression...

    No way, no how, no McCain!

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