
Why are people so angry about the patriots "cheating" when anybody can see all the teams videotap?

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let it go it happened a long time ago and brady and moss will beat any group of corner backs out there




  1. The complaint was that New England taped signals on the defense.  The tapes the teams get for an after study purposely don't show signals from the side.  Stealing signals is ok, but one has to do it the old fashion way (memorization, writing them down etc.).

  2. I think a lot of it has to do with the way the coach handled the situation. When you win the way the patriots are winning and have a lot of praise thrown upon you most of it goes to the coach. If he would of said "Hey we got caught, we are sorry, lets get this over with" people would have said okay and that's that. But in classic form the coach decided that this situation was beneath him and he does not answer to anyone and will coach/cheat how ever it pleases him. When you treat the fans bad, when they have their chance the fans will never let you live it down. As far as Brady and Moss go, I agree that tandem is going to be awful hard to beat. But as everyone (Giant fans) knows if you don't have time to throw wide receiver does not mean much.

  3. Also, general game footage does not show the hand signals that the coaches are using to communicate with each other and the QB. The Patriots were taping both so that they would know what calls and plays they were setting up so that they could set up a counter.

    Its one thing to know the play because you have personally seen the setup before ... its another to have a decoder ring to the other teams playbook.

  4. I guess people are angry because the Pats are the team that got caught and they had many winning seasons.  I am by no means a Patriots fan, but have to agree with you on one point.  It's time to let it go already-the penalties have been issued, and paid.  Time to move on, I'm quite frankly sick of hearing about it!

  5. okay first the patriots are the only ones that have been proven guilty of spygate. second, to do in AFC championships and superbowls takes a lot of nerve.  the 500k Billichek had to pay was a dodged bullet by them.  i personally am a chargers fan and they have lost to the patriots the last two years in the playoffs and to think that they lostbecause the other team cheated makes me glad that they were embarassed by the giants.  18-1 means nothing.  

  6. well the pats were accused of cheating because the y are the best team in the NFL.....POINT BLANK!!!

  7. Because it goes against the fundamentals of sports and could potentially have altered the paths of franchises who could have won.. eg Rams win, greatest show continues; Eagles win - TO Mcnabb ,philly puts a shadow over the whole sport

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