
Why are people so angry at vegans??

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It really doesn't make sense to me. It's a personal decision. If it bothers you that much, mind your own business! Or ask yourself WHY it bothers you so much...educate yourself. Most vegetarians are not crazy radical terrorists. What's the problem?




  1. I think most people are angry at vegans because they feel that vegans are judging them and are holier-than-thou in attitude because they've encountered some vegans who have acted that way. My vegan mom lectures me about what I should and shouldn't eat all the time, and it can get tiresome and simply makes me avoid eating in her company.

    I sometimes also get angry at my vegan mother when we're traveling and cannot find a restaurant or something to eat that she deems satisfactory. We have, in the past, visited as many as 12 restaurants for her to peruse the menu to see if there's anything she can eat. Then she'll say, "Nevermind, I'm not hungry." So we feel like she's being selfish and inflexible, but that's really her personality more than her being a vegan.

  2. Um, because vegans and vegetarians think their diet is healthier and holier than thou and try to preach their views onto us meat eaters.  They think that not eating meat will help the environment...eating meat isn't what's hurting us, it's the type of factory farms that's killing the environment.  Slaughterhouses, caged chickens, corn-fed cows, etc.  Humans were meant to eat meat and veggies!  That's why our ancestors would hunt for meat...

    Vegetarianism is associated with PETA most of the time, and PETA is an angry radical terrorist group in disguise.  They throw animal blood on people who wear fur!  That doesn't sound unethical to me.  And I read of a vegan couple who only fed their newborn a diet of apple juice and soy milk...he was 6 weeks old and died weighing only 3 and a half pounds (half the pounds the average newborn weighs) from malnutrition.

    And some of us cannot resist the taste of chicken or eggs or a nice steak once in a while.  Don't get me wrong, I am a healthy eater and I eat lots of fruits and veggies, but I do eat meat and even the fake veggie meat products to get adequate protein, vitamins, iron, etc.

    I'm not saying that all vegetarians and vegans are like of my best friends is a vegetarian.  But what I don't like is that when they force their beliefs down our throats thinking that their way is the only's annoying.

  3. i think right now it is all because of increased gas prices. the majority of the vegetarians are the conservationists and right now over in alaska they have discovered a lot of oil but these conservationists are protesting and forbading the U.S. government from drilling there because it will harm the enviroment and destroy many of the animal habatats. by them not allowing the U.S to drill there our gas prices will remain on an economic high until we come up with a better alternative. that is just my perception on why the majority of our economy has slight hatred towards the vegetarians.

  4. because vegans are so angry at people.  I think people associate PETA with vegan.

    2nd response: Don't know why all the thumbs down.  Didn't say I am angry at vegans.  Hey the general public believe Saddam was part of 9/11.  So don't get so worked up over stupid people.  Some of the cutest women I know are vegan, at least until we've had a few drinks;-)

  5. We are mad at the stupidity of the mass cultural delusion that being a vegan/vegetarian drastically improves all qualities of your life (including diet, nutrition, lifestyle, etc.) while having no cataclysmic effect on your wellbeing.  

    Basically I find what vegans/vegetarians believe in to be preposterous.  The concept of refusing to consume any animal life form or their byproduct is simply absurd.  Not only is it illogical but this ideology that eating meat is inhumane is ridiculous.

    Contrary to the fact that my opinions will simply be ignored, I also believe that people converting to a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle are doing it based on the idea of being a vegan/vegetarian not for its benefits.  This is especially popular with teenagers and their reasons for switching eating habits literally include: "Killing animals is bad", "I can't stand knowing I'm eating something that was killed", "Well its the popular thing to do", "It will make me better than the people who eat meat", "All the other girls in the grade are doing/switching", etc.

    So why exactly am I mad?  Well without going into facts, and the nutritional aspect, I am mainly mad that people think being a vegan/vegetarian makes them superior to their meat loving counterparts.  I also strongly dislike the fact that people switch to vegan because it is the "popular thing to do"... I don't hate vegans/vegetarians; I just dislike most of their views on their choices.

    Edit: Also please any vegetarian who obviously won't agree with me feel free to thumbs down me.  It is apparent you don't want to accept the few things I've said here and I'm fine with that.  Ah... I see I already have 1 thumbs down already.

  6. Maybe its because vegans and vegetarians are unnatural - it is against the natural order of the world (they are insulting the whole "food chain" system that our planet relies and always has relied on for a balance in species) to not eat meat or animal products - i.e. they are messing up the system that normal people use

    oh yeah, and being vegan is NOT healthy for your body

  7. Vegans and vegetarians are not bothersome, it's the few "preachy" ones that are so irritating.

    When facist legislation is enacted that says how much or if I am allowed to eat any particular type of food, I will balk quite loudly. Hitler tried this in the 1940's and the n**i youth at the time strongly advocated the practice to the point of treating non-vegans as criminals.

  8. I will quote Einstein, a vegetarian, as I believe it summarizes why vegans receive such defensive responses:

    "Great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from weak minds."

  9. I wasn't aware that us non vegans were angry at you vegans *lol*  I might get annoyed at someone ranting while I am eating my hamburger but I have no problem with people who do not eat meat...  I personally believe it is a healthier alternative but just can not seem to give up my steaks..

  10. i personally could care less what you chose to eat. i can't imagine why that should bother anyone unless you make negative comments to them about what they eat

  11. It does not bother me at all. IDK why people do, its like they think vegans are stupid, I just HOPE vegans get multivitamins!!  Because sometimes people who are not nutritionally educated will not eat properly and get sick. Being a vegan or a vegetarian is very hard! You have to eat so that you get enough of everything you need.

  12. Not vegans generally, but the ones who protest meat eaters...something in that direction.

  13. don't know,two of my friends are vegans,they don't preach me for eating meat and i respect their decisions not to eat meat or animal products. And we all live in peace.

    Doesn't really bother me if you don't try to turn me into one

  14. Stop treating your diet like a religion.

    Wars are fought over religion.

  15. I'm not quite angry, per se, but very wary, yes.  Vegetarians and Vegans are NOT the same thing.  Vegans are much more hardcore about the entire thing.  And, though I know it's a personal decision, I don't like being lectured by vegans (because vegans are the ones who try to recruit me) about the health benefits and how I'm helping save the planet.  I don't mind, really, so long as you don't push it on others.

    And if you don't, get the ones who do to stop.  People naturally group similar kinds of people together.  I've grouped vegans with other vegans, regardless of whether or not they've tried to recruit me.  That's how the human mind functions, just as we group blacks with blacks and whites with whites.  We don't hate them, we just see in color.  IT's a natural process.

    I hope i said this without riling up too many hard feelings. ^_^

  16. I don't get it. I'm not a vegan but I don't understand how someone could be mad at someone who is lol.

  17. i think some of them think that we are freaks, but we're not. im a vegetarian, but i have to put up with the same stuff. its ridiculus.

  18. People are ignorant. It's the same root as racism and sexism.

    There are just too many people that are too stupid to imagine an experience different from what they've already been through with one or two individuals from a certain group.

  19. be vegan if you want , i dont care

  20. What one chooses to eat should be their decision. I choose to eat meat on occassion and that is my business. And my business alone. I dont want someone freaking out about what I eat, I dont want to listen to their ranting either. I dont come up to you and lecture you about how that vegetable you are eating was once a living plant . Get the picture.

  21. Unfortunatly, there are a few who are almost militant about their decision, and go around rubbing it in peoples faces and telling them that meat is wrong. This causes a lot of people to look poorly on vegetarianism in general.

    You and I know that all vegetarians aren't like that, but, like many "isims" it's the rotten few who spoil it for the whole lot.

  22. Everyone has its own way of eating, and people should respect each others' opinions and beliefs.

  23. Cos most vegan/vegetarians are always banging on about how meat is murder. So you don't eat meat or cheese good for you stop preaching to everyone else. We don't care.

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