
Why are people so angry in this spirituality space?

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this is spirituality ...isn't there a "i hate god / God" place where all these angry people can be god haters and people haters together?




  1. religion = hate

  2. The majority of hate is between the different religions and sects. To partake in this forum one doesn't have to believe in a particular faith. One only has to have an interest in the stupidity of irational thinking, At the same time it is is a concern to many of us that narrow religious beliefs are so ingrained into society that they affect us all whether  we like it or not.. That is simply not is totalitarianism in a different guise,

    Please keep your dogma to youself and we have no problem.

  3. scott t might have a point...

  4. if only. a god haters channel? that'd be amazing.  

  5. I want them to hate me right her where I can see them!

    tGod bless

  6. So why not just ignore them, instead of sinking to their level and posting a rant????

  7. Sadly, this is a clear and sure sign that their eyes, hearts and minds are still being covered and influenced by ignorance and hatred. In such condition, these people only see the material attributes and designation (race, gender, age, religion, education and whatever) of a person and forgetting and failing to realize that every one is a spiritual being, a child of God, underneath the material body.

    Instead of sharing and spreading love for God which is the source of true happiness and fulfillment and because they are so blinded by their false pride and ego, they are more interested in lording over others by engaging in senseless, pointless and aimless debates and quarrels.

  8. I think a lot of it has to do with how religion has been hijacked by, and is now associated with, the Republican political party, which excludes so many people and ideas. Also, people's idea of religion now is pretty much just a bunch of screaming televangelists and the whole concept of spirituality/inner reflection/good deeds has been soured.

  9. stupid people bring irritation in their midst, and when it comes?  "a fool gives full vent to his wrath"

  10. Your question is good and right but the answer would be simple that as christians we have to pray for the world so i do pray that God give the wisdom and peace to all of us and touch their heart who are spreading hate Lord you put love and peace in their heart for we know Lord only you can do it. Amen

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