
Why are people so annoying. ?

by  |  earlier

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ok so when my puppies were going to their new homes my mam give the owners the dogs pedigree which she paid £6 for from the kennel club. well she later realised that she had given 5 of the 6 people the wrong pedigree's, so she asked those who had the wrong ones to send them back to her then she could send them the correct one. well the first 4 people who sent theirs back kept them in excellent condition. but then the last woman who sent hers back decided that she would fold it in half, then fold the corners in, so it looked a right mess. just annoys me. obviously she doesnt care. now the owner who is supposed to have that pedigree will wonder why it looks so bad.




  1. I'd be asking myself the question "How the h**l do I mix up the Pedigree papers?" If you were responsible enough you never would have mixed them up and you wouldn't be having this problem. The lady thought the papers were hers and she is free to do what she wants with them. Maybe you should get your dog spayed/neutered and quit trying to be a "breeder" and leave that up to the responsible breeders that know what they are doing.

  2. I'd be abit irritated if my breeder contacted me and told me I was given the wrong information on my dog..  I'd question how reputable she really was if she couldnt even keep that information straight.

    You dont know that she purposly folded those papers and made it a mess before sending them off anyways.  She could have folded those papers like that anyways.  Or perhaps her kids folded the papers.  Not everyone takes care of paperwork, not even for their own sake.

  3. Perhaps the new owner thought the puppy was worth more than the bit of paper it was written on!!!

            You can't judge someone else's carelessness, when your mom was just as careless in sending out the wrong papers in the first place. But then I find this with back street breeders!!!!

  4. unfortunately -

    the lady thought it was hers ... she could do with it as she pleases...

  5. Yeah people sure are annoying..

    Giving you something that you think is yours forever but then asking for it back because they made a mistake and then getting angry when it's not in the condition they sent it to you in...

    Come on, it's not like she scrunched it up. It's probably like that because she put it in an album or something.

    Your "mam" should spend another £6 and buy the person who's pedigree it is a new certificate.


  6. like everyone else says this woman asumed the pedigree papers were hers,,so therefore she could do as she pleases with them,,i have two dogs with pedigree papers,and boh of the breeeders gave me the correct papers first time--and each were filed in clear polypockets,,so there was no need to fold them as they were ready to go into a folder with the papers showing my dogs parents were health screened and clear of heridatory one of my dogs is a dobe ,,

  7. Well, in her defense, she was under the impression that your family had provided her with the right pedigree forms.

    Since her pedigree papers obviously weren't why she got the dog, she did what she wanted with them, seeing as they thought they were hers.

    Perhaps she's wondering why people are so annoying when they can't provide the correct pedigree forms for their dogs?

  8. thats so anoying - she prob did it as soon as u said she want them back :P

    well you know what to do * fold hers up, spill stuff on it and crumple it up* lol

  9. Apparently the person took as much care to take care of the pedigree as your mother did when she gave out the incorrect one.

    People make mistakes.  

    Obviously this person felt that the pedigree was hers to do with as she pleased (which it was since it came with the dog she bought) and what she pleased was to not take care of it.

    Your mother is now in the position of either paying for a new copy- or admitting that she distributed an incorrect one and apologizing to the new owner/buyer for the condition.

  10. You just need to buy another pedigree paper and be more careful when giving out the paper work it looks really bad to give someone the wrong pedigree.

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