
Why are people so blind? Why everyone continues to beat on a dead horse?

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you know what's worse than media giving out false info? The people who CHOOSES to believe the information even tho they know it's false.

But then again, most people just hear things and decides to make a judgement without any effort to investigate the matter.

Costa during LIVE broadcast mentioned that the footprint fireworks were digital. If you happened to be in Beijing in that night. you can see the actual footprint fireworks. There are even photos of it. Just because they are concerned for the camera crew's safery, don't mean they are balantly lying to you.

think about this scenario:

Yes we are about to send 29 explosive into the air, feel free to send helicopter over the projected trajectory. If any accident occurrs, who do you think the media will bash, who will be at fault. CHINA!

Also as for the little girl's singing, everyone make it sound like the cheat of the century. the Pamphlet introducing the event of the ceremony clearly states that there are 2 performers in that partof the show. (I've seen it with my 2 chinese eyes) What surprises me is how the western media continue to not mention this fact to the public. It's like they want to fire to keep going and people continue to feed it... (no surprise there)

In fact I still see from time to time that people claim this olympics is a scam and it brings shame to the world of sports.

Do people hate china so much they are willing to ignore facts just for a chance to ridicule a country that is trying to act as presentable as they can as a host?




  1. the problem is more to do with all of the other stuff they (China) are hiding. like child labor, sweat shops & humanitarian issues. all this other stuff is icing on the cake.

    nice rant though!

  2. And can you believe that guy who lite the flame was acutally not flying? OMG they can't even find a guy who can fly so they used a fake!!!! What a outrage!!!!

  3. Don't worry about it.

    China is doing a pretty good job so far.

    The innuendo and myths are just perpetrated by jealous nationals who can't accept the fact that China is capable of hosting the Games perfectly well.

    As for the fireworks...of course they went off. I know the ones I saw on TV were pre-recorded but who cares? They would have looked the same anyway.

  4. Daniel C

    The Opening Ceremonies were awesome. And many of the things that China put into it will be remembered for eons for their beauty and the skill of the people who worked on it. (I particularly liked all those concentric circles of people - very difficult to do with even a few, let alone thousands). And that little fellow who saved his friends during the earthquake being in the Parade of Athletes - very nice, very human and very touching!

    Having lived in 2 Olympic cities - Montreal and Calgary, I know there are people out there who's entire lives are based on what they can find fault with. If you take their fault finding to heart, you will get an ulcer and, trust me, they are not worth it. They are the kind of people who, when you say, "Beautiful day, isn't it?" because it is as close to perfect as anyone dare to hope for, come back with the response,"Yes but it is supposed to rain next week" They are little people with little minds. They are unhappy people who need to make other people unhappy to in order to justify their own existence. They think that if they point out your flaws, you will not notice theirs. That often backfires and is written off by most as sour grapes.

    Issues such as sweatshops/ child labour should be addressed in the political forums and people who's very existence originated with slave labour should not be so judgemental with their comments.

    You cannot truly hate what you don't know and I am guessing that those who post these dumb statements could not even find Beijing on a map. But you can fear what you do not know. I am guessing they are more afraid because of their own lack of knowledge than from anything else.

    Going to end this with a bit of bragging - Canada just won three medals in wrestling and rowing! Woo! Woo! and Yahoo!!

    Nilli bastardi carborundum

    - my Latin is the pits so it may not be exactly spelled right but what it means is

    Do Not Let The Bast*rds Get To You!  :o)

  5. Why do you sound so surprise? s*x, lies, scandals and violence sells! Whatever it takes to be on the front page of some magazines and/or newspaper!

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