
Why are people so concerned that McCain's VP pick will sway Hillary supporters away from Obama?

by Guest56765  |  earlier

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When said Hillary Clinton supporters would rather swim through a pool of broken class than vote for Obama in the first place?




  1. Hillary supporters are ready to ask for McCain's head on a platter. What a disrespect to Hillary this is from the McCain camp

  2. Sadly, contrary to MLK Jrs dream, just like some voters are willing to vote for Obama simply because he is black, some voters are willing to vote for a woman just because of her gender.  Some day, maybe we can start judging people by the content of their character.

  3. the dems are embarrassed with biden, he is nothing compared to palin.

  4. no, Hillary is a democrat first and a woman second

    maybe about 3% of the Hillary vote will go to McCain just because he has a woman as vice president, but that still not enough to beat Obama, women love Obama more than they love another woman

  5. Even if they don't come to McCain/Palin ticket; this team will win.  They have brought 'change' to the White House and D.C.

    Obama promised you all change and gave you the insider of the insiders; no change same ole same ole.

  6. You have it backwards my friend.He has ruined himself with getting that woman as vice president.She is less qualified to be vice president than Dan Quale was.We Dem. welcomed this with open arms .Women know and are insulted with this.He thinks having a woman as vice President is going to help him.When asked who he would take advice from,he never once mentioned his wife so that should tell you what he thinks of a woman.

  7. Because they will, this is a real opportunity to have the first female VP and set her up to run and win as President in the future. They are terrified.

  8. I think that it's great for Obama/Biden ticket. Because by choosing a running mate with no foreign policy experience, his argument against Obama's inexperience is very weak now. Obama's running mate Biden is highly experienced in foreign policy. Therefore,Obama can lean on Biden to help him make decisions on foreign policy matters. As for McCain,he's 72 years old with a history of health problems. If he dies in office, then Palin will take over as president with very little foreign policy experience. If Obama ends up not finishing his term, Biden will be ready to take over as president because of his extensive foreign policy experience.

    But choosing inexperienced Palin for his running mate, McCain can't argue about Obama's inexperience. McCain's judgment can be really criticized now. first impression about McCain's pick is that he's targeting women voters including especially disgruntled Hillary supporters. However, her strong pro-life record won't sit well with the women that are prochoice. Her strong conservatism won't sit right with liberals. Therefore, his pick might actually backfire. His pick can be seen as insulting womens' intelligence too.

  9. I'm not concerned at all, but I want to see first how Palin addresses the issues.

    It will be an interesting week for her.

  10. Because a lot of women in this country are fickle, as are a lot of men as well.

  11. Because now they vote instead of staying home.

  12. Seriously? Who has a pool of broken glass?  

  13. Because dems are worried that Clinton supporters will vote for McCain because he picked a woman as his VP choice. So that's more votes for McCain than for Obama.  

  14. I didn't know that PUMA stood for Party Unity My *** until yesterday.

    When Hillary said she endorsed Obama, do you really think she meant it?  CNN asked if McCain's VP choice will sway Hillary Clinton supporters and 60% said No, while 40% said yes.

    If McCain gets 40% of Hillary supporters, its bye bye for Obama.

  15. People need to realize..if you're an intelligent person then you know he clearly selected her because he wants to secure the woman vote more than the religious vote. Folks...this is politics. But the problem is that the majority of voters are idiots. To test my theory please ask someone why they are voting for Mccain. In other words ask them to describe in detail any one plan he has..just one..that's all. It's all about imagery on t.v.  

  16. Because she''s a woman and that's really why Hillary got so many votes.

  17. They aren't, Republicans want them to be. It doesn't matter to them that the pick was a woman. They were for Hillary... They won't switch just because of a quick pick by McCain's handlers to undo the Bush2 image. They feel he is questioning their intelligence by bringing in someone just for their gender.

    The sad thing to me is that with a few more years this woman may have been a contender. By bringing her in out of desperation, they have probably taken that away from her. She has never faced a real politician. Unpopular mayors of a 7000 pop. town and unpopular governors in a sparsely populated state can't have prepared her for real fights with real politicians. She will end up slinking home if it isn't a win and her future will be spent explaining why it wasn't her fault.

  18. Where do you get the information that they are concerned.

    I see no reason for worry.


  19. It won't.

    The disgusting part is that he thinks it will.

  20. It is ridiculous people assume that women would only vote for women, even a woman who hates other women and their right to make decisions about their own body.

    Hillary supporters are now even more energized about Obama.

  21. Some people might but It doesn't really matter this Palin lady won't do much

  22. I cant wait for biden to shoot off his mouth and start slamming Palin.


    He will look like a real *** then!

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