
Why are people so critical of environmentalists?

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Do people actually have environmental destruction as a goal?

Do they go outside and look at trees and fields of grass and flowers and think "stupid nature, i hate nature"?

Sure many environmentalists, including myself, are motivated by the aesthetic of nature and a desire to preserve it, but what's wrong with that?

I'm not at all saying that's my only motivator but that is part of it.

Why isn't protection of the environment something everyone can get on board with?

I really don't understand why it has to be a partisan issue.

What makes the anti-environmentalists tick?




  1. There is nothing wrong with being concerned with the environment-farmers and ranchers are some of the best conservationists that we have, the problem is that many groups who identify themselves as environmentalists have another agenda rather than keeping our surroundings clean.  They are mostly ultra-liberal, leftist leaning socialists.  They freely use environmental issues, like the 'global warming' debacle, to attempt to radically change the laws we live under in this country.  Most would like to do away with at much of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....As an example, review the websites of two groups, one is PEER, the other is Center for Biological Diversity.  Both of these groups have been taken over by radical factions, who are against any use of the environment which they do not approve of.  It is this elitism, idiocy, and callous disregard of individual liberties that make them so disliked.  Good hunting, add the website for !Earth first!, and Greenpeace, read what they consider to be their 'triumphs', you will be repulsed if you are a normal person... if not, well, you have found your new best friends...good luck

  2. The misguided environmental movement is responsable for and has caused horiffic harm to the the earth. Millions and Millions of acres of forest have burned, wildlife has been destroyed and tons of pollution dumped into the atmosphere.

    Meanwhile the environmental crazies prevent the harvesting of the forests. They stop all buliding of fire-breaks. They will not allow the brush to be cleared. They use our court system.

  3. Most of us aren't anti-environment; we're anti-environmentalist.

    Environmentalists condemned millions to die from malaria when the safe insecticide DDT was banned based on fabricated research and a fawning media that propogated the lies. Rachel Carson is/was a mass murderer.

  4. The real question is, why are environmentalists so critical of people?

  5. im not against protecting the environment but some 'environmentalists' (self proclaimed) are just annoying and give the entire concept a bad reputation.  

    I've seen people swarm around SUV's and trucks and try to stop them from driving in the middle of traffic during protests, screaming about how ignorant people who drive large vehicles are.  These people tend to be very smug and hypocritical towards others.  Now I know these people are extremists and this is not what true environmentalists stand for, but these are the people who make the news and paint the image of what an environmentalist  is to the public.

    Maybe true environmentalists should recruit people with stronger marketing backgrounds to help get their real ideas better exposure and separate themselves from these ridiculous hippies.

  6. Why are people so critical of environmentalists?

    Because the environmental movement is under the control of people who want to turn us back to the stone age!   There are people in the environmental movement who want to see the economy of the West destroyed, in particular the US!  

    Environmentalists are against building new refineries for oil, against  drilling for oil off the coasts of the US and in Alaska!  The footprint of a modern oil drilling sight is real small now. ANWR is in the middle of nowhere, there would be negligible affect against wildlife but a great benefit to the economy of the free world!  

    When oil from Alaska began to flow (Prudhoe Bay) and pipelines were necessary, environmentalists were against that pipeline complaining that the animals would be hurt and flower and fauna destroyed!  Did not happen!  Animals flourish in a greater number than before, something about the warmth of the oil in the pipes or vibration!  Environmental experts said the oil would only last 6 months (same as right now in ANWR!)  That oil has been flowing for 30 years, without that oil you would be paying another 2 or 3 dollars extra for your gasoline!

    Also, roads were put in to maintain the oil pipeline, these same roads are used by fire departments to put out fires from lightning strikes.  Without the pipelines and roads more forest fires would kill more animals!  (Just like in California and out west right now, when lumber companies cull a forest they also put in roads and sometimes water lines.  Fires in those forests are quickly put down, fires in "virgin" forests where environmentalists prevented logging often burn to the ground killing millions of animals!)

    There is the occasional oil leak from drunk hunters shooting at the pipeline, but most of the oil spills have come from environmentalists sabotaging the pipeline just to show the world what an oil spill would do!  Oil companies are trained to react quickly and any spill is localized and small.  

    The same sort of environmentalist that fought the construction of the oil pipeline for the Prudhoe Bay oil (and were proven wrong) also want us to not drill in ANWR today!   They were wrong then and they will be wrong again!

  7. Some people believe that an environmentalist would rather put the flora and fauna ahead of humans.

    That's just not true.

    There is a distinction between being a conservationist and a preservationist. I believe we should conserve our natural resources and make good use of the land, water and air. Some places deserve preservation like Yosemite or Yellowstone. Others think the entire earth is open game to their whims and desires.

    Great case in point is ANWR.

    I feel we need to preserve this pristine area, many conservatives buy into the BS that we need to open it up for drilling of oil.

  8. idk my dad is alwyas on me about how stupid vegetarians and envirometalists are bc I am both you know

  9. It's the inability to see the "Big Picture"

    You're so much in your own world that you feel you know whats better for everyone.

    To be honest......It's YOUR thinking and your PARENTS thinking that got us into this mess.

    An evironmentalist think more of their agenda than people.

    Case in point......California has come up with the first realistic bill that would use Wind/Solar and Nuclear to let us depend less on foreign oil.......But the environmentalists have shot it down.

    Why?  Because cable would have to be run through 23 miles of forrest.

    Environmentalists do not understand give and take.

    (Here's the confusion)

    1)  Envrionmentalists are usually Evolutionists as well.

    i.e.  They're busy trying to save part of nature and are opposed to change.......But believe in Darwinism, which is natural change.

    If you don't believe we're headed to catastrophe of a new scale.....Look at what the use of Corn for Ethanol has created.

    Thanks Whackos......You're really CORNHOLED us.

  10. Originally, environmentalists were honorable people, but the movement was taken over about 10 or 20 years ago by what are known as eco-terrorists.

    They still pay hippies to picket for them, but their goals are not to help the environment. Instead, they focus on breaking down the economic system and capitalism in general.  Freedom is what they hate the most, and their main goal is to make humans suffer through higher taxes and higher costs of food and energy.

    Unfortunately they are very powerful and rich, forcing politicians to do their bidding or else.

    It's a shame, but a lot of good things have been taken over this way.

  11. u should knnow this!

    it's all about more profit & u get in their way.

    looking 4 clean ways 2 run an industry coast more, so it reduces the profit potential. Putting laws in place to hold the companies that do accountable should be our goal.

    Why a partisan issue simply because one is on the side of big coorporation and the other on the other side of the issue.

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