
Why are people so cruel to animals, the enviorment, to HUMANS?

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Why are people so cruel to animals, the enviorment, to HUMANS?




  1. Because they're human with hatred.

  2. because we are animal with a thin veneer of civilization.

  3. i think that people that intentionally hurt/torture animals are sick and gives them a sense of power and control.  and, i believe someone who can do that is a sociopath with total absence of a conscience.

  4. when people mistreat animals intentionally it pisses me off soo much cause they are helpless.

  5. 1). A lot of people are really selfish, and don't care about animals and how they feel (I am all for animal right and i'm a vegetarian).

    2). People are so information deprived that they keep on destroying the Earth. Disregarding all of the warnings.. Even though the polar ice caps are melting away, and species are dying off, people still deny that the Earth is being trahed :/

  6. because we have evolved to survive in small groups and our brain was developed to survive on earth with less than 1 million humans on the entire planet.

    and on the other hand we have developed a capitalistic society where exploiting animals and resources is profitable.

    as for the humans part its actually becoming even more religion based, the current moral zeitgeist is to accept and not question any theistic beliefs and this greatly increases the number of extremists.

  7. because very one is dumb these days!

    they don't know what to do with there g*y life's

    so they go and tear down a whole Forrest

    or kill a poor helpless animal!

  8. They know they aren't going to live here forever and they are selfish.

  9. Because they are thoughtless, ignorant thugs. At all levels of society. from the boardrooms of top corporations to the street gangs of derelict urban neighbourhoods and the green lawns of affluent suburbs.

  10. If you can answer as to why a mother would kill her very own baby under the guise of "Pro Choice", yet simultaneously fight tooth and nail to save the eggs of a Spotted Owl, then you'll know.

  11. Sad isn't it? But its a true reality in this world. First to start of with animals, people (I'm not speaking for "all" people, but for the most part) only aby for their own needs and wouldn't give a care in the world if a poor helpless cow would have to be killed violently for that need (or other animals such as nice chickens,horses,pigs, even sheep). It tears me apart when i think about all those animal's pain and suffering specially in the slaughterhouse. Its terrible. And i know it all boils down to intelligence, power, and religion. Numerous people believe that just because an animal does not have the same human capacity to talk or further (even "feel"), then it's O.K to destroy that animal. It's O.K to cause pain. But really it's not. Then other people believe that because in the bible describes that "animals were made to eaten by humans. Its like their fate." (something like that). Then those people think killing an animal is alright, unfortunately. So people are cruel to animals because of the believe (or thought) that they are inferior, because animals are just animals not a human. Now for the environment , it is human nature to do all the possible to "survive,live". In order to that, if it takes air pollution to do so, people's answer is: so let it be. Theirs a lott of cruelty towards our own people for the soul reason that every single human has flaws and that little evil within. If that little evil side is sparked then you see for self events like the Iraq war, child abuse on the news, psychopaths running loose for their next victim. Bottom line is people are cruel to this three things mainly because they "consciously choose" to. And for the exception of pure necessity.

    Hope I helped in resolving your question and may god bless you.

  12. "Cruel" is a word that has a number of interpretations. As you can see from some of the answers, it's "cruel" to eat the meat of animals, wear leather (even shoes) and in some cases eat eggs and drink milk.

    At a recent save the planet rally, it was noted that the big named stars that appeared often had flown in on private jets and arrived in limousines. Certainly things not kind to the enviorment.

    Arguably it's cruel to cut down trees to build homes (even for the homeless) or to kill animals (even to feed victims of famine) When my cat developed terminal cancer, I supposed I was cruel to put her down rather then allow her to live in pain. Her replacement came from a kitten rescue. Some lady found it quicker to drop the kitten off there rather then drive to the river.

    You'll see on the news stories of people that keep dozens of animals, all living in horrid conditions and starving. Very often the people don't see the animals suffering and feel they are doing a good thing caring for the animals. Are they deliberately cruel?

  13. this is a hard one but it is real.  some people just have issues period!  im not sure they even know why they are so full of hate. i think we should never assume anything though.  remember that we are not seeing situations from the views of everyone or being involved.  i think that the people who have a grip on what is right and wrong should do whatever (big or small) they can to make things better.  we will never understand all things but what we can do is something about it.

  14. Wow.. this is a question I often wonder.. it seems so simple for me to just know that I have to be consciously aware of my actions.. I remember being taught actions and consequences.. So that is the best answer I can come up with..  We have forgotten the effects of action and consequence.. that every decision we make, every word we say, every product we buy.. well it is all linked to another thing and in one way or another makes a difference..

    So we can say what we want about mankind and all the issues that our progressive nature has presented us.. but the simple truth is that we aren't aware of our actions.. we know what we want to do.. and even how do it.. at some point people forget what is on the other side of what they are doing..

    For us as humans to realize this we must first know what empathy is.. and that in itself is action and consequence..

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