
Why are people so dumb?

by  |  earlier

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  1. lol i dont know but thats dumb their immature

  2. The media can be blamed for a large part of people being so dumb but if you want an answer from a different perspective or and education answer, use this link:

  3. He's not so dumb but he's trying to get a dummy to fall for it. There has been scams before where the person says its a scam and people will still bid. The person who puts up the offer isn't dumb but whoever bids is dumb.

  4. Why are people so dumb???

    Whoever can answer that question correctly would be a millionaire.... or at least a comfortable hundredaire!

    As far as the ebay thing goes... You never know until you try.

    "He who never took a chance, never had a chance!"

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