
Why are people so eager to be rebellious against 'the man'?

by  |  earlier

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Not that they do anything about it.

But really, what is so BAD about 'conforming to the man'? Doesn't it keep society in working order? What's so great about being the underdog in being against a cause against an enemy whom you cannot even identify (hence 'the man' nickname)?

Are these people trying to seek individualism?




  1. Being against "the man" is for people who have strategic minds and can see creative ways to fix institutions by thinking outside the box.  "The Man" is a complacent and self serving hierarchy that doesn't allow room for change.  I think that could be a reason people are upset at "the man". - Oh yeah, and they can't do anything to change the institutions because "the man" is deaf.

  2. before i answer "Why are people so eager to be rebellious against 'the man'?" i need to define "the man" because the man is not unidentifiable

    ""against a cause against an enemy whom you cannot even identify (hence 'the man' nickname)?"

    "The Man" does not usually refer to a specific individual, but instead to the government, leaders of large corporations, and other authority figures in general, such as the police. The Man is colloquially defined as the figurative person who controls our world. The Man is also often used as a symbol of racial oppression, as well as the boss of a blue-collar worker, and the enemy of any counterculture.

    The phrase "the Man is keeping me down" is commonly used to describe perceived oppression, but in modern times it is most often used facetiously in an ironically resigned fashion. The phrase "stick it to the Man" encourages resistance to authority, and essentially means "fight back" or "resist"; however, this is also used facetiously sometimes."-wiki

    so the people you state are "eager" to be rebellious to the man are probably the same people that might state the slogan "stick it to the man" which are likely to be the blue collared workers mad at their job/boss or the punk kids that are annoyed at the cops even though as you said they do nothing about it. these people are not doing it to seek individualism because they state it for the purpose that people around them co workers or other punk kids will more than likely agree to the oppression of so said authority. We know they're eager specifically to "the man" because they state it using coined phrases around their piers. cause when you have something in common with someone, acceptance is common :) so it's more of a collectivism thing.

    "But really, what is so BAD about 'conforming to the man'? Doesn't it keep society in working order?"

    hrmm here we're now talking about a more specific "the man" as wiki said "figurative person who controls our world" and the "government, leaders of large corporations" which are connected but not the same thing. you said society so we will go with government for now.

    what's so bad about it, the man is a machine a machine that doesn't care about you or most people in general and caters to a few.

    what's wrong with conforming to the man? if you conform to the man you're letting your beliefs and behaviors get influenced by something that doesn't care about you, because that's what conforming is. would you want to put your life in the hands of someone that doesn't care about you?

    now where is the evidence that the government doesn't care about you come from? i'll post links so you can make your own mind up but yeah the government does some pretty crazy things the general public doesn't know about. like for one all the things you've done online are stored somewhere. when someone spies on someone else it's because they don't trust them so they have to keep tabs, why trust someone who doesn't trust you? Or maybe it's not a trust thing but then you think about how they're still getting all your information and that's knowledge and knowledge is power so again why trust something that uses such underhanded methods to gain power through info. everyone knows that info can be used for black mail but anywho about that underdog thing

    there's nothing great about being the underdog the greatness lies in having a great cause, because in the end who enjoys oppression?

    i've posted a link to the thing on "everything you do online is stored"

    i'd link you to text but you might find a vid more entertaining so there's one on the cia and things they've done

    and there's one on the trials of mk-ultra with a link to the full google vid

    and another one on the simplified government chalk board

    i'll post more upon request if you like but for now it's late,  excuse my typos and english fore it's late, goodnight wishingdustfairy. if you have any questions ask away because i didn't back up every one of my statement that were made but yeah watch the vids.

  3. the "man"

    is the government

    and ppl rebel against the "man"

    b/c the man is full of shiesse

    haunting the world

    and bringing the ppl down to all time lows.

    the "man"

    should always be rebelled against

    b/c us as ppl need to reunit!

    and bee the best!

    the man is nothing

    the man is not

    a thing

    it is a communsit

    and communists r bad,

    get mah drift?

    but of corse this is commin from a anarchist/consipircy go figure

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