
Why are people so f****** rude???

by  |  earlier

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i understand that for a saturday night this is early. But i should have the right to go to bed early if i please. i however cannot go to bed because i cannot even hear myself think thanks to loud music from a block over. I went into every bedroom of my house and none of them drown out the noise. it is nice that people want to celebrate, but do they have to be sooooo loud? I am just so sick of the loud music that i hear all the time not only from houses but cars as well. Why can't people respect the fact that other people might not want to hear it?




  1. I spoke to the people about it ~ nothing happened.

    Called the cops ~ nothing happened.

    I asked the neighbors if they were sick of it too (they were),

    and one by one we'd go to their door and ask them to quiet down.

    Finally, they did.

    Good luck!

  2. I think it stems from an overblown sense of self worth....the whole "its all about me" trend that is taking over.  We Americans are becoming more and more self absorbed and selfish and those t-shirts that say things like "its good to be queen" and "its all about me" (while amusing) are a symptom of the greater issue of extreme bad manners.

    I was ushering at the Fox Theater in Atlanta this evening.  Over HALF the house arrived after the show had begun and many folks were still arriving 35 mins. into the show!!  No doubt they focus on how much of the show they have missed and not how much they are disturbing everyone else!!  Two patrons in my section even left and demanded a refund because the sheer number of folks arriving late took away from their enjoyment.  

    Bad manners  come from selfish people.

  3. sum ppl r just born that way wel call the cops or go over ther and tel them 2 shut up!!! good luck:)

  4. Call police non emergency number  and report them for disturbance of the peace.   They will ask for the address.    If it happens again,  call again.   They can be fined.  

    You can say you don't want to give your name.  I think they keep it private.   You can ask.   Good Luck!     PS   Using the term   F******    is rude to a lot of people reading this.

  5. call 311 they will send the cops and they will never know you did it.

    311 is for non-illegal activities. My friends do it all the time, really quick response time.

    Sometimes people just don't realize how loud there music is. So don't take it personal, If you don't want to call you can just tell them some other day, that their music is too loud.

  6. see most people aren't really thinking of others when they are having a good time so i say since your not having any good sleep why not just ask them turn the music down a little bit and if they so no then just join and have fun good luck

  7. you think that is bad i lived litterally a mile from a house because my house had  alot of land and the nieghbor  there was playing music  till 3 in the mourning!

  8. i know riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!?

  9. Go to the place in your pyjamas, knock on the door and tell them it way past their bedtime, and that Saturday night is not the time for them to be enjoying themselves. I'm sure they'll all pack up the party and quietly go home, apologising for their lack of consideration.

  10. In some states, any loud disturbances after 9:00 pm is a reason to call the cops. There are others who probably feel the same way you do but don't really want to get involved because of cowardice.

  11. Call the police, not 911, but just the regular police department number and tell them the music is too loud.  That's all I can think of.

  12. ya  its  hard  sometimes.  but  we  are  powerless  unless someone  calls  the  cops

  13. Cut off their power.

  14. Ha, I just asked the same question. I used to use ear plugs, but now that I have a baby I won't wear them in case of an emergency.

    Let's form a society of only kind and considerate people. We'll kick everyone out one by one until we're all islands.

  15. I am offended by the f word and you used it in your question so I find you rude. I also find loud music rude -  I seem to find a lot of things in my world to be rude

  16. because we live in a word of folks who think they are entitled to do what ever the f**** they please and have no respect and totally disregard others wants needs or feelings, it is just me me me.

    Jeez sounds like you know our new neighbors!

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