
Why are people so freaked out by rats?

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Giant roaches I can understand, cause that's cross, but rats are just big brown mice or small groundhogs... Does the fear come from the diseases they carry? A lot of people who go to nightclubs have diseases but that doesn't stop you from hanging around them does it?!




  1. Why are cockroaches more gross than rats?  

    I admit that I like rats but I am grossed out by cockroaches.  But I don't claim to have a good reason.  Cockroaches are dirty, but otherwise harmless; I haven't ever heard of a disease outbreak caused by roaches, unlike rats.

    However, the disease carrying property of rats nowadays is greatly exaggerated.  My friend in Los Angeles was concerned about the rats in the neighborhood and called the Health Department.  They agreed that rats are unsanitary and destructive, but said there had been no instance of rats spreading disease in Los Angeles!  And I do know that whenever a rodent carrying a disease that could spread to humans is caught, they announce it on the news.  

    Norway rats in very large numbers (as they have in some parts of New York City) can be rather daunting.  And rats can bite, either in self-defense or because they think you might be edible.  

    My cat brought me a juvenile black rat, which I have tried to tame, with poor results.  This pretty creature bites me when he gets a chance.  I pick him up and hold him carefully to keep his teeth out of me.  I put my hand in the cage, he looks to see whether he should run or attack.  If I don't move, he attacks.  If I go to pick him up, he runs; if I get near him, he bites (if I let him).  So you see, I have no "irrational" fear of rats.

    Basically I'm saying that most people who fear rats, are expressing some irrational fear; the social acceptability of devaluing rats reinforces it, and the actual damage that rats can do helps them rationalize it.

    I know that my fear of cockroaches is irrational.  I cringe at the sight of a roach, but I'll enjoy the sight of a cricket.  What's the difference?  I know they are not carrying disease.  But, the social acceptability of hating cockroaches, and the actual damage they cause, leaves me with little motivation to overcome my phobia. Yuck.

    Oh yeah, some people are repulsed by the rat's naked tail.  Yet they like squirrels.  Make what you will of that!

  2. It is an irrational fear born out of ignorance. Children are brought up being told that rats are dirty, snakes are slimy, wolves will eat you, etc. - none of which is true, but if you are told something all your life and have never done any research yourself to prove otherwise, you're going to believe it.

    Rats are actually extremely clean animals. They groom themselves more often even than cats. Of course they CAN carry diseases, but no more so than any other wild animal - a fluffy little bunny or cute little badger cub is just as likely to be carrying something nasty as a rat is. The black rat (Rattus rattus) is often blamed for spreading the bubonic plague - in fact, this was spread by fleas, which lived on humans as much as on rats. In point of fact, cockroaches are also far less disease-ridden than many people think. No animal spreads more diseases or is more likely to infect you with them than humans themselves.

    I have heard some people say they dislike rats' hairless tails - I'm not sure why this should be, except that it's a personal preference, the same way some people like snakes and some are terrified of them. Personally, I love rats. They are beautiful and highly intelligent animals which make wonderful pets.

    The theory that we have an instinctive fear of animals like rats, snakes and spiders is nonsense, in my opinion. Many people are afraid of animals like these which are, for the most part, harmless, or at least extremely unlikely to hurt you. If fear of dangerous animals was part of our genes, many people would be afraid of animals like big cats and bears, which would have preyed on our ancestors, yet fear of these animals is minimal - it is very rare for someone to have a phobia of tigers, say, and cringe when they see one, whilst arachnophobia is the most common phobia known. Fear of animals like rats, snakes and spiders comes simply from the misplaced belief that they are more dangerous than they really are - it is a learned fear, not an instinctive one.

    It is high time people stopped demonizing animals and learned to respect them for what they are, rather than fearing or hating them for what they believe them to be.

  3. they nibble, bite, and look disgusting and who knows what they are carring!

  4. I can see where your coming from, I'd be more scared (health wise) of a coughing person in a dark night-club then of a furry rat. But on a serious note, the irrational fear of  rats, snakes, bugs, and sharks are most likely caused by genetically inheriting the fears as a defense mechanism. You see a long time ago when humans were still living in caves and beating each other with clubs, these animals were highly dangerous and scary, so after millions of years of cowering in horror the fears of these animals have been encoded into our genome. I hope this helps.

  5. either the diseses or there nasty tails the tails are wat freak me out

    but my friend loves rats... she has 2 or 3 lol

  6. It has nothing to do with genes. Rats were and in some places still are food. Infants and 2 or 3 year olds don't have irrational fears of rats, spiders, etc. They fear quick movements and loud noises. The fears are taught to people who choose to believe them and justified by disease, biting,etc stories. HUMANS are the most dangerous creature to humans and every other thing on earth. Rational people do not fear rats.

  7. i have no idea, spiders are wayy scarier than rats...

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