
Why are people so interested in the PITT baztarrd children?

by Guest64698  |  earlier

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Don't be surprised when your kids do the same. Why marry?




  1. I am not interested. People here in US are always wanting to know about celebrities because the morals here are all wrong. People need to teach children respect, manners and that celebrities are just human. Unfortunately celebrities sell and make money for mags and other products. If people worried about their children and selves and work like they do celebrities, the unemployment rate would drop, juvenile crime and adult crime would drop. Some people live through these celebrities. Take Rosie O"Donnell and Ellen DeGeneres. When they stuck to acting and not spewing the views of homosexuality I liked them, now they turn my stomach - I do not care if you are g*y, but I don't want to see it on my TV or hear about on TV. Get a real life.  

  2. I don't care about them.  So what they had kids.  It happens to people everyday.  Some people become obsessed when it is a celebrity.  Who cares.  Let them have their private and family lives without the press looking at them 24/7.  One thing is that the celebrities want us to know everything about them and then scream about their privacy.  I guess they get what they ask for.  

  3. Some people get so wrapped up in celebrity news because well, celebrities have it all, from money to looks and in Brad and Angelina's case, a big happy family and they live in a castle in France! People wish they could have fame and fortune too. I'm not exactly interested myself but oh well.

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