
Why are people so judgemental?

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Why are people so judgemental?




  1. that's what most humans are like. we all have this ideal of what everyone should be and when someone doesn't fit this criteria we label them as weird...its a pretty messed up society but its our world and it's not going to change anytime soon. I personally feel that you should let people judge you if they want because who cares what they think, all that matters is what you think about your self =]

  2. Not all people, just most people.

  3. One million years of evolution. We have to judge others in order to protect ourselves.

  4. Because they're the last ones to admit faults or wrong doings of any kind. They'll pass judgment and give advice when they do these things themselves. They see themselves as flawless and perfect. Almost like their lives are based solely upon eugenics. The human race is loaded with hypocrites and we as a species unfortunately have to deal with them.

  5. ::their jelous

  6. I think it's a way to categorize people without really knowing them, maybe in an attempt to understand the world or people without really knowing them.  Also, I think negative judgments arise because either a] a person is afraid of the unknown and thus seeing something different, calls it deviant; or b] they are insecure about themselves and so they put the blame on somebody who looks, acts, or thinks outside of the societal norm.

    It could also be something with the individual who is judging others, as in a person may look like somebody who did something to them in the past, or reminds the person of something bad.

  7. because they're people

  8. it's a way of figuring things out and analysing and learning. when people quickly judge they can change their mind just as quick.

  9. Why are you judging me??

  10. because if they weren't everyone would enjoy the same things in life. Life would be boring and without judging others, life wouldn't be interesting.

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