
Why are people so judgmental and mean at heart usually?

by  |  earlier

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I've realized more and more the capacity most people have for being racist and mean-spirited. At work, many of my coworkers make derogatory statements about Chinese people. I've heard them say numerous times "they're just like cockroaches...have millions of kids and their food smells like $hit." Whenever people are joking around, it often seems like people stoop to racist jokes if they feel the slightest bit offended...for example, one time I was joking around with a guy and he said "ok Asian kid, at least I don't have a small p***s." I wasn't even trying to be mean, and this was the sort of insult I got. I feel like deep down most people harbor mean, racist thoughts...some don't talk about them, but it seems like most people are capable of judging and stereotyping without any feeling of regret. Why are people so judgmental and mean-spirited?




  1. plain stupid

  2. Some people think the smaller they make you feel the bigger they are and these are the people with the smallest minds. Of course it would be a nicer world if we did not have anyone to make us feel insignificant , still though who would we make fun of ? blonde's, blacks, Asians, Indians, drunks, fat people, Irish, French, Germans. well my point is don't take it to personally you will always fit in some category that that these IDIOTS,MORONS,BIGOTS, don't feel apart of and that is a good thing.

  3. There could be a number of reasons, but I think insecurity tops the list followed closely by ignorance.  Too, being treated badly at some point in life could cause a person to be that way.

  4. No, I just think you work with a bunch of dickheads.

  5. These people are TOXIC and act they way they do because it's who they are.  They are insecure and they try to build their self-esteem by criticizing others.  Sometimes people's negative attitudes in the workplace can spread like poison.  Don't take anything they say personally because they don't KNOW you as a person.  Think about it... how much do these people really know you?  Not much.  Take what they say with a grain of salt.

    As for when they are gossiping and making racial slurs, just ignore them.  You cannot control what other people think, say, or feel.  However, you can control how you REACT to their actions.

    If a negative/degrading comment is directed at you, you can either ignore it or put them in their place.  For instance, when that guy that made the comment about Asians having small penises, you could have responded with something along the lines of, "ok American guy, at least I don't have a pea brain" and walked away.

    Don't allow these people to embitter you and lead you to believe that 'generally people are this way or that.'  Don't let other's attitudes affect you as a person.  Continue to treat people with kindness.  In the end, that's all that matters.

  6. because that's how people are raised and taught to be its also insecurity and ignorance from past issues. you just have it get over it

  7. You just don't have a very good exposure to general society. Aren't you the same person who posted under a different name with Asian stereotype concerns last week? If so, you need to get into a more sophisticated atmosphere. Sounds like you associate with trash!

  8. i told some white girl she had big feet cause she is like 6 feet tall, and she immediately went to racism.

  9. there bullies, and have to make themselves feel better

    Im in the medical field i carry a cross with me at all times

    I ask GOD if i every become degrading to another race, please have me walk by an institution and check myself in

  10. You learn from what you watch your parents do or react to, If you have open  mind parents that arent racist or mean spirited people then you wont be either. Society is how its created

  11. i think people are so judgmental because they have been judged by other and they felt bad so they think it is funny to do it to other people.

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