
Why are people so mean to women who have more body hair than most women and why do they give them a hard time?

by  |  earlier

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My wife came home crying today because a couple of teenage girls made fun of her hair.




  1. that's females for you

    we're all b*tches

  2. because people are cruel and like to make themselves feel better by picking on people who they think are uglier than them when really they are the ones who will forever be ugly. Your wife shouldn't have let them get to her. But i dont blame her. When i come across people like that i just laugh in their face and say get a life. I hope this helps. Yous should do something really special to help your wife feel better like taking her out to dinner or go watch a movie. Something romantic.

  3. that's terrible!

    people are so stupid.

    They need to feel better about themselves by trash talking other people.

  4. i hear you. i have pcos and have excess facial hair and i hate it. it is very noticable and i shave my chin. i find more and more though i am seeing woman with more facial is wrong of people to make fun of others for something they can not control. i feel bad for your wife.lucky she has a man who is understanding. i have one of them men also. good for you.

  5. That's sad. It's just socially correct to shave and not have body hair as a woman. That's meant for men.

  6. Because people have no respect for their elders these days and teenagers like to show off infront of one another making other people feel like S**t. I'm sorry to hear that you're wife had to endure such a thing.

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