
Why are people so nasty at this time of year....shoppers and shop assistants?

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Why are people so nasty at this time of year....shoppers and shop assistants?




  1. I guess it's general stress and anxiety, people know they're probably spending too much, too little time to do it, crowds...and  retail assistants are only human too....Happy Christmas!

  2. Yeh people seem to have gone mad , its like they are never gonna be able to shop ever again ........ lets just keep away eh!!

  3. I am lovely - even when waiting for 25 minutes in the post office this morning waiting to post a parcel!

  4. I agree, there are miserable, but do not forget they are probably miserable all the time. Only now is more noticeable.

    I am happy at my work 360.

    Have a lovely Xmas

  5. because they have 2 work

  6. I put it down to people being totally stressed out at this time of year..but it is still no excuse for rudeness.

  7. People are nasty all year long, it is just more obvious during the holidays for some reason.

  8. They are a lot busier work longer hours and every one is in a rush. They want to get home to their families too. Still that's no excuse to be rude. Its an English thing you don't get that in USA. Before you all shout i was born in UK and travelled to states many times

  9. Well, you know, this time of year they have alot more business comming in.  The problem is that we the consumers make a much larger mess in the stores on top of their regular duties... they now have to clean up after rude people.  They are working long hours for minimum wage and the shoppers give them attitude all day long.  So, you the plesant consumer ends up getting the tail end of their bad day and well... you see the results.  Good luck.

  10. Just remember all the stress all the people are going through.  Hurry ... hurry... hurry.  Try to be extra nice and make someone's day or at least make them smile for a minute.  It really doesn't take that much time out of your day to let that person that only has a few items in front of you, or to let in that car that is trying to get out onto the road, or whatever.  Just sit back and relax.  Your body and mind will thank you for it!

  11. Because Christmas has lost all of its original meaning and has turned into something that is merely a commercial endevour to sucker people into spending lots of money.  Its about getting stuff and nothing else.  And since people are generally rude, obnoxious and a******s anyway, when you get more of them than usual in one place at one time, what do you really expect is going to happen?

  12. you are focussing on the ones that are like that and your vibration is on their frequency..change how you feel and like attracts buy the dvd for yourself as a christmas present and you'll have a different experience

  13. stress?

    For shoppers its trying to buy everything.

    For shop assistants... well I know what its like to be faced with a busy shop, and people moaning because they can't be served straight away.

    I actually walked out of a shop today because the queue was so long.

  14. It's the pressure of christmas.  I like going to my supermarket but at this time of year I would like to take a Thompson Sub-Machine gun with me.

    I especially despise the slow moving zombie ones who stop in the middle of the aisle and stare vacantly about them.  Then there's the old people...If I say the word 'Cull'...what does it mean to you?

  15. Stress...sell..sell...selll!  Buy...! Bargains, sales figures, don't forget Granny, little Jonny's keep up with the Jones' toy! What size do you want that in, no lunch break, one hour until closing, buy, buy, buy, sell, sell, sell!

    Christmas = presents = money. Buy pleasure on family faces!


    'Money is not our God! - Killing Joke

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