
Why are people so obsessed?

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Okay so pretty much every other question is about the jonas brothers. Why do some of their fans take negative comments about them so seriously? I mean its music there are always going to be people that hate them or love them. For example i love paramore and fall out boy, and i know that loadssss of people hate them but that doesnt affect me one bit, you could say everything mean there is to say and i wouldnt care. Im not saying its just jonas brothers fans and im not saying its all of them, its just i see alot of questions about them. So my question is why do fans take negative comments so seriously, and why does it bother you that not everyone loves the jonas brothers?




  1. I honestly don't like the Jonas Brothers, but I some what understand why people take it so seriously. I think the people who are giving negative critisism are just openly sharing there thoughts and the people asking the questions are in denial of how the Jonas Brotheres aren't perfect. You can't be perfect. The people who see less of the Jonas Brothers just want to point that out. The people shouldn't take it so seriously.

  2. it's just annoying but i try to ignore them  

  3. i know!

    i got suspended from my level 6 account because those fan girls couldn't handle my opinion of them.

    and yeah i agree

    plus from 5pm to 6pm the other day FORTY SEVEN jonas brother question were asked.


  4. Simple answer: because they are kids.

  5. They think that the jonas brothers are cute. and they think that they are they're future husbands. Notice that most jonas brothers fans are miley fans?

  6. The sad, pathetic little fans apparently have no lives of their own.

  7. omg ik! Its rediculous!! A lot of Jonas brothers fans take everything so seriously. If i were to say "kevin jonas is ugly" 10 million girls would send tons of hate mail.  I'm not a jonas hater but im not a lover. I'm neutral as well =]

  8. BAM!  Another Jonas Question Added.

    I happen to be neutral.  I don't love or hate.  It's much less stressful. :D

  9. i think your right.

    most people hate my kind of music (mainly grindcore, screamo and metalish music)

    but i could care less.

    i hate when people take things way to far, the same with twilight.

    people just need to chill

  10. I do like the Jonas Brothers

    I will admit it

    But I'm not obsessed with them

    I've liked them since the beginning

    YES they existed before Disney

    Ever since '05 I've listened to their music

    But I listen to other stuff too

    They don't control my life

    Yes, they are great role models and are very talented

    But I mean, I don't fantasize about them in my sleep

    Some fans are retarded and need to get out and life

    And realize there is only 3 Jonas boys

    and 3 gazillion girls after them

    I respect other people opinions

    I don't hate on the haters

    Some of them are pretty cool

    So to answer your question

    Not ALL fans are obsessed.


  11. omg i know it drives me crazy but i guess it is because in their eyes THEY THINK THAT if u are not a fan then u pretty much suck and like i guess i get how they could be a little bit protective twards their favorite celebrity but some of them r takin it wayyy to far

  12. I love the Jonas brothers and would die and go to heaven if I met them!! I'm not obsessed I'm just your average fan I also like paramore and fall out boy but just not as much as the jonas brothers i dont ask a trillion questions about them like the stupid stuff i just like there music and there cute what else is there to say and theyre good guys with awesome personalities.

  13. I agree, Jonas Brothers fans tend to be way overboard with obsession. I'm not one of those obsessed fans, but I do like them. Negative comments don't bother me.

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