
Why are people so obssesed with their nationality?

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I know people out there who are pretty much obseesed with their nationality, and they go around talking about it whenever they can, and they won't hesitate to say that their country is the best in the world.




  1. It's a positive thing in my opinion to be patriotic and passionate about your heritage and nationality. I am myself.

    But there's a difference between passion and obsession.

    A patriot doesn't need to convince others of their country's worth and talk about it all the time, only believe it.

    Most of us love and honor our roots, but we should respect others too.

    Thank you, take care..

  2. I forgot the author's name (though I can retrieve it once school starts) but he had said that nationalism is something thought of the goverment so we would like them more no matter what they do. Some americans love their country but I think there are mmany reasons.

    To be with the flow- if they conform then they won't be the odd one out.

    When I was in America, I remember seeing an endless amount of American flags. Almost every house had one.

    Then there could be negative things when it comes to being the odd one out.

    (this comes from the author) By being patriotic- you support the ggovernment If they do something wrong and you don't support it then you are not patriotic though that's paraphrasing since I really don't remember it clearly though he wrote something very convincing.

    I still am not really sure as to why nationalism is really important nor heritage since I find knowing heritage is as equal as knowing history of the world.

    I keep hearing that it's good to know where your heritage but why? Surely that doesn't give a sense of belonging. If it does then I know the reason.

    Though the whole gang territory thing does exist since it's been seen in chimpanzees. And people like to group in relation to their past. Just look at communities. And it's in gangs sometimes.

    I don't know where I'm going with this but I think im trying to say that it could possibly be a goverment thing but people do it due to conformity.I also am trying to say that even if the goverment though of it but it could ...COULD....(im not sure if it is) human nature to act in such a way.

  3. People like to feel different from one another, without realising it is those differences which put them in direct contradiction with the people they would otherwise be getting along with.

    It's okay to want to be different, but not at the expense of positive or "pure" thought.

    I only really realised that conciously when i was in high school.

  4. Because they need to get a life

  5. i know! it gets so annoying. theyre like "im 25% white, 25% mexican and 50% black" or im part german, swiss and native american. i say in my head idc if ur german swiss watever ur still white!! geez.

    i think when a person is multicultural, it seems more interesting to other ppl thats why they like to say theyre this and theyre that.

    and my brother said enthusiastically that our great grandfather was white. im like ok... thats nice. its kinda hurtful bc it seems to me that hes ashamed of being black and its the best thing ever that we have white in our family.

  6. Cause its a way for them to get attention

  7. Any people in particular?

  8. There's nothing wrong being "obsessed" with your country or having national pride. I do think a person is blind when they say their country is the best. Because frankly, there is no "best" country. You're pretty naive if you believe that. But other than that, there's nothing wrong with it. It's when national pride is mixed with xenophobia, that's when it becomes a problem.  

  9. Well I very proud of my German and French ancestry I was born in raised the USA I dont talk about it that much anyway, I see nothing wrong with being obsessed with where my ancestors came from then again no country is far more superior then the other. You sound very very I MEAN very STUPID of not understanding that everyone should be proud where they came from and talk about it alot too.


  10. coz they like to be different and some people even think it makes them better than others

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