
Why are people so rude? How to deal with rude people?

by Guest58926  |  earlier

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When I first came to the U.S. as exchange student from Japan, the first culture shock I have experienced was that SOME Americans seemed to be very rude with no manners. (I am sure they are good hearted people, but they definitely need to improve their manners for their own good.)

Example, I was in a store, walking around, and this one woman came up to me and said "Are you working here?" No excuse me, no nothing. Why did she feel so entitled? I said "Sorry, I don't work here." She went away without saying anything.

At first, I thought they did this to me because of my race and nationality (Japanese / Asian), then I found out they are like this to everybody.

Why are SOME Americans so rude? How to deal with rude people with no manners?




  1. I cant speak for every American, but I can tell you that a lot of the Asian people around here go beyond rude. Basically,I think there are rude people in every color and nationality. I wasnt crazy about the way we were treated in Paris, but then,I thought most New Yorkers were rude. I have a standard response when I run into a truly rude person. I look them square in their eyes and ask if they're being deliberately rude or are they just stupid? It works for me.

  2. Go back to Japan. We don't like your small eyed people.

    I think you're the one with the problem, not us.

  3. It's a mix of causes, really.

    When people are unintentionally rude (like that woman) - because of just having bad manners, it's usually because of this:

    Remember, this is a nation of all class levels. We have rich, poor, and everything in between.

    Also, this country is HUGE, spread out, with many different types of cultures all over, so Americans are not 'one kind of people', even though we all speak pretty much the same.

    And, our education system tends to teach academics, politics, etc., but leaves it up to the parents to teach their kids manners.

    I think this is a mistake, but that's really kinda the way it is.

    And... some people are just selfish and rude, that's all.

  4. First of all, I am sure that there are SOME rude people in your country no matter where you are from. Secondly, a grain of salt goes a long way.  

  5. people are d bags just gota deal with it... by theway i saw a ufo today as i was walkn to my car from school... just a heads up it was in arizona

  6. Just be like "wow that was rude" when they walk away they'll feel stupid. Or tell them to their face that what they did was rude and ignorant.


  7. If you don't like our country then leave. I'm sure there is plenty of rude people in your country as well.

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