
Why are people so rude and selfish now days?

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Is it just me who is fed up with the way people are acting now? It seems like every single person I encounter is all for themselves and won't even consider how rude they are being?

It could be trying to "order over" you at the coffee shop, like I had someone do to me the other day... just started placing her order with the barista while I was ordering with the same barista!

It could be the 20 people per day who ask me where the public restroom is because they are too lazy to walk around the building and "look" for it themselves. I own a boutique and people just think it's alright to interrupt me and my interactions with customers to ask this.

It could be the person at Walgreens who stares at you because you actually dress like you care about yourself and don't smell like B.O. or wear NASCAR tee shirts.

I feel like I have to go to the store at 7 am to avoid these people, and I'm going insane dealing with people who have this crazy sense of entitlement... am I the only one?




  1. yes.

  2. I started to notice the rudeness about 6 months ago when i made a trip up to New York City. I've lived in Texas for about 9 years now, and the difference in etiquette is astounding. People in New York are loud, obnoxious, won't hold open doors, and won't ever say "excuse me" or even your basic "please and thank you's", and refuse to follow basic societal rules to be polite. When i was on the tram in the Austin airport to get back to my car, a woman and her baby boarded, and every single man on the tram got up to help her load her bags, and offered their seat. It just made me smile thinking of the etiquette difference varying by region.

  3. Sometimes people can really get under your skin.  I know they have mine in the past!  It is hard, but just try to let it go.  You can't change anyone's actions and habits... just be an example to them!  When they interrupt u with a customer just say "one moment please", finish your sentence, then tell them where the bathroom is.  That is a nice way of letting them know that they are interrupting u, but you are also being polite and answering the question.  

       Maybe the staring people @ Walgreens think you look great!  Just keep being nice & be the example bcause u certainly don't want to stoop to their level & become one of them.

    P.S. Love your avitar picture!

  4. All you have to do is to look at some of the various offerings on TV these days.  They are filled with people who think the universe revolves around them.  They are filled with people being rude and crude with each other.  We think all this is so wonderful when we see it on TV and sometimes we might think it's fabulous enough to incorporate such stupidities into our own lives.  Rudeness is always out of place, no matter how much it's glorified on TV.  The universe revolves around the Sun, not around any person or persons.

  5. The only rude attitude I notice these days is the overuse of cell phones. People with cell phones who talk non stop driving shopping etc with no regard for their surroundings drive me up a wall.

  6. I'm not rude and selfish.  I am helpful and upbeat.  I'm not the only one.  .

  7. people's up bringing is the problem everyone thinks their in titled to or owed something and i was taught that kindness goes a long way and to do unto others as you want them to do unto  you people think they are world and every body in it has to give them something. but don't change you make sure you do your part and have respect for people and hopefully they will catch one and pay it forward

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