
Why are people so rude in the Spanish cities?

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I was born in Spain and came to the United States at the age of 5. Since then I have been back to Spain for 1-2 months at a time at least a dozen trips. I am from a rural region in Galicia and had always thought most people (excluding those with government jobs) were friendly and nice. Boy was I wrong. I finally had an extended stay in Barcelona and people were absolutely rude. It seems like people in general and not just the customer service in big cities is horrendous. I was treated better in local towns in Bilbao (local loyalists to ETA). Even in Santiago de Compostela they are not rude like those in Madrid and Barcelona. Can someone explain?




  1. I lived in Barcelona for quite a few years and I had tons of very bad experiences there with the Spanish people. They simply don't know how to be friendly / polite, or what's worse, they want to be S****y to others. The experiences I've had with Spaniards.. I mean... what the h**l?

    I've moved out of Spain now, so thank god all I'm left with are some horrible memories. I'm actually very happy that I don't live in Barcelona any longer.

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