
Why are people so rude these days?

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or am i too nice? I hold doors for people, help random strangers out, and sometimes i dont even get a THANK YOU or smile. I thought if you do good, good comes back to you? i don't care if youre having a bad day.




  1. no, i love you.

  2. Its just the world today. Like people like other people to know when they are having a bad day...or some people don't even realize you just did something nice for them because they have a crappy life and nobody ever does anything nice for them... i know that sometimes people help me out and i dont give them a thanks or anything...and alot of it is my at home relations like with my boyfriend...if hes always calling me or fighting with me...then its stuck in my head all day and its really dumb...because then im p*issed off at everyone and everything...and i dont show people i care...

    idk why people are rude...

    im not really sure.

  3. You are NOT too nice.  I would be so thrilled for you to do this for me.  I live in an area where too many people take advantage of these random acts of kindness.  Keep doing what you are doing.  There ARE people who appreciate it.  

  4. it all goes down to ppl are in a hurry!  

    Ppl are so caught up in their lives that they have children that they really don't have time to raise, therefore these children grow up to be ungrateful and unknowing of manners, common courtesy, saying yes ma'am, no ma'am, etc...

    I was RAISED to hold the door for ppl, to say please and thank you, yes ma'am and no ma'am, to let elders go first and ladies go first, to not interrupt people when they are talking, to make eye contact with people when you are talking to them, to respect ppl and their feelings, to be polite and to keep your word...if i didn't, i was SPANKED...however today, children are not taught these things bc their parents are at work and children are put into daycare and discipline is limited to time out (what has that ever done-- when i went to time out, the few times that i did at school, i was scheming how i could finish what i was doing and not get caught!)...

    I think the world is too fast paced and ppl just don't take the time to be polite...its a shame and i am thankful for ppl like you who do care and who are polite...

    Ever notice how many ppl walk down a hall and say hey how are you and NEVER stop to hear the response??  Drives me crazy, don't even ask if you dont wanna know!

  5. The people that think those little things don't matter in life are the ones that will not be successful, People notice these things  

  6. lol thats just what it is haha,,,,  

  7. i am the same way and not everyone appreciates it, but its the right thing to do. and when you do get a smile or thank you, its worth it

  8. I have been thinking this same think too. i LOVE helping people. but they all just seem to think I'm some weirdo. and i feel like I'm doing something wrong. no one EVER does anything nice for me.

    I am starting to think i should say your welcome even if they don't say thank you. but then i feel awkward..... haha

  9. They didnt take their happy pills {':-)

  10. your too nice. that kind of stuff isn't expected anymore. stop helping random strangers. its nice, but kind of creepy.

  11. it all depends on where you live

    trust me i know

  12. just do your work which you do with other everything's need a not easy to get the smile from other for your work.....

  13. It usually has nothing to do with you. People are the way they are, and normally little acts of kindness don't change their already bad attitudes. That is why killing them with kindness is the only way to break through all of the rudeness.  

  14. thats a simple question plp dont appreciate in this world...

  15. 2 timothy 3:1-5

  16. keep up the good work, there are plenty of ppl who felt like you long ago and they gave up on being nice and thats why there are so many ppl who are so ridiculously rude. the golden rule remains the same whether ppl are rude to YOU or not. don't become one of them, be the human that all humans should be :)

  17. i know what you mean

    people just care about themselves too much

    but do keep the happyness

    that politness goes a long way

  18. I think people are reverting to survival mode, as we have become the me society of what's in it for me. People are becoming cold and and uncaring. I live in southern California and over all people are rude and tend to keep their distance, you could have the same neighbor for 10 years and never talk to them. People where I live are not too trusting so making quality friendships is difficult. I think as a nation we have gotten more greedy and if someone cant benefit me, then I want nothing to do with them is the rule, but with that said there are exceptions to every rule.

  19. i hate people

  20. Lol that is what I am thinking. =) I'm glad someone out there is like I am and I'm not just crazy. By the way, thank you.

  21. Here are two scriptures for you.

    There is a generation that is wicked and evil.

    We are unprofitable servants, we are just doing our job. (being nice, loving our neighbor's).

  22. declining economy

  23. you sound liek you're having a bad day

  24. it's really deepens where or the situation, most of the rude people around this ages 14 - 25.

    I'm rude too sometimes...

  25. Human nature is basically selfish. You can never be too nice. But you may have to wait a few years for people to recognize your character.

  26. Many parents don't teach their kids manners or etiquette and our society doesn't care about being polite either.   People are also so busy these days and stressed out, I think they take it out on strangers.

  27. i no. i hate it, i hold doors all the time for like 500 people cause i get stuck and only old people say thanks.

    I think its becuase nowadays people try and be badass or something and act like they dont care about others. Or that holding a door or other things are good enough o deserve a thank you.

    People dont respect one another anymore.

  28. Yeah! I thought I was the only one who thinks that! People ARE very rude nowadays, no matter how nice you are to them. I guess since kids are generally becoming less courteous and respectful of people, people tend not to notice when someone actually does something nice because they aren't expecting it.

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