
Why are people so rude to ticket office staff?

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They talk on their mobile phones whilst buying tickets, they are plugged into their MP3 players and ask you to repeat what you've said, they say 'platform', or 'time' without saying 'please'. At the advanced purchase windows you can spend 20' finding them the cheapest ticket and when you give them the price, they just walk away.

What has hapened to manners?




  1. people have just lost common courtesy. if being nice to them doesnt directly help them then  people just dont care anymore. it bothers me too. its like its not that hard to be polite!!!!

  2. I agree with you totally. Ticket office staff are the face of the railway and have to put up with so much **** they could work in a sewer!!

    I once worked on the platform at Leeds Station so can get a feel at what its like as I was constantly sworn at, spat at, lunged at. I just used to step back, look at them and walk away. When they asked where I was going and that they had just asked me a question, I replied "to the British Transport Police Office" They soon pissed off. Bloody idiots.

    Manners are a thing of the past in this fast paced, busy country. Nobody has time for manners anymore, much to the despair of rail staff unfortunately. Sign of the times??

  3. Sorry to hear you're having a hard time trying to serve the public.

    Personally I don't have an MP3 nor do I talk on my mobile while buying train tickets and I'm polite to the staff ('please', 'thank you' etc.).

    However, people can be rude. Having myself had jobs where I've had to deal with the public I know how soul destroying it can be. All the more because you are in a position where you can't answer back and have to be polite to them, even when you feel like telling them where to go.

    Some people it seems love to take advantage. Either that or they're just plain ignorant.

  4. People are rude to ticket office staff because they are rude and aggressive to almost everyone, as almost everyone is rude and aggressive to them. I am 57 and when I was a child politeness, good manners and consideration of others was not only instilled into me by my parents but by my school too.

      Reality television where people are shown to succeed by the

    voracity of their snide, aggressive demeanour; the sheer pace and struggle of everyday life, with its faceless dysfunctional  bureaucracies; a culture that seems to applaud chauvanistic often drunken loud and inconsiderate

    behaviour; the cult of the self and the immediate gratification of the self over and above the needs and feelings of those around you. These are the messages relentlessly pummeled

    into people by magazines,newspapers and politicians like

    Margaret Thatcher who said "There is no such thing as Society." And, indeed she is now correct.

  5. Some people are stupid. I used to get people in pubs phoning the office, constantly asking me to repeat myself. I would just be abusive back to them and say "It's quiet in here you ******* numpty!"

  6. Richie?? is that you ha

  7. It really is not a case of manners nowadays, In 2007 there is "NO SUCH THING AS MANNERS" everyone is a stressed out freak of the 21st centuary; with mobile phones,blackberry,WIFI etc... people just do not seem to have time:  You should not take it personally as they are most likely under as much/or more pressure as you! and talking to someone whom they would rather not be talking too!! But I agree with you that they could at least ignore or disable technology to communicate with 1 person at a time and include the ability to say please or thank you!!! Then again as you are sales "are you offering them the cheapest price? or the price you make the most commission on!!!! anyhoo! hope you find a best solution to your question! Public transport looks good in print & on the web, but it is not a realist way to travel as most of it does not turn up on time, turns up too early, changes the route!! In my opinion public transport should be abolished.

  8. People forget there brains and manners as soon as they enter any form of Public Transport. They seem to have this fix that we are there to be sworn at, spat at, verbally abused, ignored and that the world resolves around them.

    On the other hand, there are some pleasant and freindly commuters / customers as well, but these are regular customers more than anything else and set up a rapport with the staff and normally know them by first name.

    Unfortunatley i find Mothers with children, pushchairs and buggies, the older females who think we should drop everything to assist them and foreigners the worst for this.

  9. i donty no but its probly those young people

  10. Because there misserable impatient c**t's

  11. generally because we are rude back. i do dat dont I......

  12. 'it would be a great job if it weren't for the customers' says my gf about working in sainsburys.

    almost every day she gets shouted at by at least one ill mannered customer.

    she's observed that its always lifes under achievers , lardy people, old ladies who keep cats and 40 year old men who've never had a gf exercising the only bit of power they have in life , throwing their weight around by tormenting shop girls knowing that they're not allowed to answer back.

  13. because it's a big hit

  14. because they are doing their duty and they are try to prove cheating if they caught everybody knows.that's why

  15. im not, but I have seen people who are, the same as they are with shop staff

  16. I am quite well mannered to ticket office staff.

    I think problems start when you can't get the correct ticket you need at the right price.

  17. Tutormike: I do the same job as you, I had enough of all the rudeness and got a transfer out to the countryside, it's much better here!

    I'll never forget the time 2 people in my queue started threatening each other with violence-I almost had to call the BTP.

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