Are these people complaining for real??? Lip sings are common for performances. Britney lips sings at her concerts. Madonna was just called out for lip singing by Elton John. I mean, who cares? Its just a entertainment right? We all enjoyed it so why are we complaining about it now?
And take a sec to think here. I would be honored if I was asked to sing for the Olympics. She is set for life! What do you mean she'll grow up regretting this?? She'll grow up regretting saying NO if she's dumb enough to do that. Imagine putting on your resume that you sang at the Olympics. American Idol? s***w that! Who cares if they showed her face or not? Both the little girls will be famous because of their performance. If they asked your child to sing for the Olympics but wont show her face, how many parents would turn down that once in a life time experience? People say oh I would never let me daughter do that if they wont use her face.... YAH RIGHT!! This is the Olympics not your 4th grade school play. You cant compare the two. If they ask me to performce in the Olympics but they wont use my face, I'll tell them BE THERE TOMORROW! Besides, the not good looking girl said it was an honor to sing and I think she is right.
We need to stop making this into a big issue. Who cares?! China is not the only country that cares about their image. Heck, if we're hating on China for caring about their image, then EVERY GIRL OUT THERE ARE FREAKING CHEATERS! Why you gotta wear makeup? Cause you ain't that pretty! Why you gotta wear high heels? Cause you aint that tall! Why are you wearing wonder bra?!? Cause your b***s arent that big!! Gosh, people whine about anything these days.