
Why are people still calling Obama Muslim despite proof of the contrary?

by Guest62506  |  earlier

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Why are people still calling Obama Muslim despite proof of the contrary?




  1. It's a pointless, baseless attack ... right up there with people calling Palin a bad mother. I wish it all would stop.

  2. Yeah...cuz the Left isn't throwing everything up against the wall with Palin.

    Well...if you're old enough to know who Khadafi is, you may find the video I linked below interresting.  You may not know who he is because he's been under a rock since Reagan lit up his world in the 80's.

    Anyway...the muslim extremists consider Obama a de-facto muslim as his father was muslim.

    Him posing in muslim garb in Kenya didn't help either.

    I've been to catholic churches before without being catholic, but I didn't wear a priests garb.

  3. What proof?

  4. It's a bit confusing..

    Since his "proof" that he's not a Muslim is him going to a church for 20 years.. that he now claims he has no idea what was being preached.

    How do you go to a church for 20 years and not know?  So either he was a member and approved of what was being said.. or he didn't go and the proof doesn't exist.  Either way, it doesn't paint a positive image of him.

  5. His middle name is Hussein. His dad was a Muslim.  

  6. what proof? his word??HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA

  7. According to islamic scholars a child born to a moslem parent is a moslem by birth... So technically Obama is a christian convert and and apostate of moslem

  8. Just because Obama's father was muslim, and muslim faith days that he is de facto muslim, doesn't mean the he is a muslim.  What one persons beliefs are doesn't mean that their child has to agree with it.  

    Some people's parents are still racist, but that does not mean that their children are racist.

    I'm so sick of people looking at Barack Obama, and assuming that it's their duty to take a high and mighty role.  You don't stop hanging out with some of your friends just because they do certain things you don't agree with.  Your parents don't leave you because you like things that they don't like.  Everybody isn't into everything, but that doesn't mean they hate others because they are.

    People hating on Obama because he may be different is SO UN AMERICAN.  By that philosophy, our troops should stop fighting for us, because not everybody votes; a right given to us by the freedom that they give their lives for.

  9. from what i heard he used to be a Muslim, but changed in order to be in this Campaign. Im not sure if what I heard is exactly true, but i got it from my father. but I'll try to look more into it, before i start giving out the wrong info.

  10. they have nothing else to come up with lol.. scaring  the public they know how to do that very well. It was a shameful tactics Last nite shame... republicans showed twin towers video. they are doing politics out of TRAGEDY.. SHAME...

  11. ok if he is muslim? what does that have to do with this election?ever heard of freedom of religion. or are you scared he may harm your beloved america? how...cmon guys are you serious .. if he wins sure thing there are people waiting for him to F up. to get his a&& out of the oval office. its not qunna b no ignoring the stupidity when it comes to this guy. they do it with bush & ignore all the stupidity he does, that shoulda got his a&& impreached a long time ago....but nope no way no how is it qunna happen w| obama

  12. well people are gona say whatever they want whenever they want. i truly dont beleive obama is muslim and if he is he sure of a h**l is doing a good job deceiving the american people but to be honest barrack obama is the man in my book whatever he is i just hope he can change america for the better if he does get elected to be prsident of the united states.

  13. My Grandmother Has Always Been A Christian - LIAR, she does her daily Salat prayers at 5am according to her own interviews. Not to mention, Christianity wouldn’t allow her to have been one of 14 wives to 1 man. Source: According to NYTimes story of April of last year, Sarah Hussein Obama told the New York Times she is a devout Muslim.

    I Never Practiced Islam - LIAR, you practiced it daily at school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith for 31 years,until your wife made you change, so you could run for office

    My School In Indonesia Was Christian - LIAR, you were registered as Muslim there and got in trouble in Koranic Studies for making faces (check your own book).

  14. The Republican Party is getting flushed away and they are scared. They'll say anything, even against the best interests of their own country.

    Real conservative leadership is backing Obama now.

  15. Hmmm, he followed a "Christian" preacher who worshipped Louis Farrakhan and this preacher also hated the Jews. 1+1 equals? Hmmm.

  16. there is no proof

  17. What proof of the contrary?

  18. Just ignorance .............................

    Good Luck

  19. so ALL people have to stop saying it before you Obamanuts will stop whining about it. His father was Muslim, he went to a Muslim school, his tribe in Africa is Muslim, but Obama says he is a Christan, trust the man trust his words. The End.

  20. What proof?  Because he sets up a website  and says no?  I can set up one that and say I'm not white, but that doesn't alter the truth.  Obama was born a Muslim and the phony church he attended certainly isn't Christian.

  21. Even if he was.. why would it matter?

    We all have our religious beliefs and as for the leader of a country you simply want one that can respect other peoples differences (not force your own upon everyone) and manage the country so it can prosper as a whole..   not saying that is easy though!!

  22. It is hard seeing the associations he has had with people who seem to be radicals, and his early years are not too clear.He does not have to follow the teachings of the Koran to seem like an associate of that type of people.

  23. you don't know what you are talking about.  Obama is a Christian, he is not a muslim.  Is that the best you can do?

  24. republican scare tactics coupled with the lack of imagination

  25. Like it or not, the 1st amendment carries no currency in the land of the free. The mere fact we are having this discussion proves that the separation of church and state is practical as it is impossible.

    I went to a Church of England school and sang songs about Mary riding a donkey, Jesus being God, Moses and the Red Sea parting. I also went to church and volunteered to play the guitar every week, which I dutifully did. I attended bible study groups and was a high active figure in them. So, I must be a Christian, right? NO!

    I am, in fact, not religious. I did enjoy the company of these people and felt a little bit bad taking communion every week, since I didn't believe what they believe.

    People think Obama is a Muslim because they are stupid. Just cos he went to a largely Muslim school doesn't make him a Muslim. The people who believe otherwise suffer from believing the following bizarre things.

    1) They believe that what your parents believe (or in Obama's case, what 1 parent believed) automatically passes on to their children.

    2) They believe that a family name magically endows a person with a religion typically help by someone of that name.

    3) They believe that someone of mixed ethnicity must follow Islam because they don't fit into the white mold that Christians 'should' fit into.

    4) They are died-in-the-wool republicans and therefore incapable of changing their minds, even if incontrovertible proof stared them in the face.

    I guess it's easy for them to fall into this trap. After all they all believe in Jesus because they were brought-up in a Christian house-hold. Stands to reasons they should think Obama MUST be like them and inherit his fathers belief. They are still totally nuts though.

  26. Voluntary ignorance.

  27. Because it suits their political goals.

  28. Republicans like to put fear in people. Most people relate Muslim to terrorists. I guess when you have nothing else to run on you try and get votes out of fear. Classy right?

  29. The strategy is to throw everything up on the wall and see what sticks.  The constant accusation may sink in to the less intelligent.

  30. This is how the Republicans run against credible candidates, using fear, you always hear about how Obama is a Muslim and will be sworn in on the Koran. They got nothing else, they even used it against John McCain when he was taking the lead from W they brought out the dirt on Cindy and tried to tie the little brown skinned girl that they adopted to John having an affair with a black woman. FEAR that is what the Neocons use on us Americans, some of us are a bit more intelligent and see through their tactics, but you would be amazed at the number of ignorant people in this Country.

  31. He is not a muslim....

    He does however have a questionable muslim heratige

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