
Why are people still proud to show off their W04 bumper sticker?

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I figure that they should have been smart enough not to re-elect him and Chaney.




  1. They ought to wear a paper bag over their head.

  2. To annoy people who don't have lives.

  3. Why do people insist on still having Kerry\Edwards stickers........Its personal choice. While some have issues with Bush others may see him as not so bad of a choice in the 04 election. I  may have been a Bush supporter in 04 but i do not still have the sticker......but my mom still has Kerry's.........FREEDOM TO HAVE YOUR matter howe out dated

  4. hows that John Edwards bumper sticker working for ya.

  5. That is the best question I have heard in a long time.  But some people, like John McCain, still claim that we are "winning" in Iraq, that the economy is great, yadda yadda.

  6. Because we are so proud of President Bush. Now, It's funny to still see Kerry Edwards stickers when they didn't even win the election. Anyone want to explain why people are.. proud? to show off their Kerry Edwards stickers?

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