
Why are people still talking about global warming?

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the globe ain't warmin'




  1. Don't be sheepish - it is! Not as much, perhaps, as some pundits may claim, and maybe not all down to man's activities.

    As you know climatological cycles come and go, with the sun's activities and the earth's 'wobbly orbit' - but we are exacerbating the 'rate' of warming. It's all happened before many times but the melting of the ice-shelves, especially in the Arctic recently makes it possible that we could have a very bad time very quickly.

    Oddly, in the northern hemisphere, a degree or two of warming could have the opposite result. For example, The Gulf Stream - and the oft-called 'North Atlantic Conveyor' could be disrupted by huge amounts of cold water being dumped into the northern Atlantic.

    This could stop the warm water from the Caribbean reaching the shores of North America and Europe, plunging us into an ice age. In Britain, we are on a latitude similar to that of Labrador and Moscow but we gain from the warm waters which keep us ice-free. Without this, we would 'freeze solid', just to be alarmist, which I guess is what you do not like. Don't worry about poor countries. They will get the worst of drought, floods and storms. Hope you feel better!

    Hedge your bets. Buy a cooling fan and a hot water bottle - if you can afford the energy costs.

  2. "the globe ain't warmin'"

    Funny thing about that...

  3. The people behind it are still pushing it this hoax. It could be very expensive for all if we let the politicians pass expensive legislation.

  4. Because out side the sheltered world of YA acceptance of AGW is over 85%

    "the globe ain't warmin'"

    and this graph ain't rising left to right

  5. I got into a discussion once with a guy who didn't beleive in global warming and I said - So, what if Al Gore is wrong? What if there is no such thing as global warming? Will it be such a bad thing to take extra steps to take care of our environment and protect it so we have a healthier place to live with wildlife and wild lands to enjoy. He couldn't give me an answer and stood there looking dumbfounded. Got him thinking!! It felt so good! So maybe all you nonbelievers can take a moment to consider that...

  6. Why????...............Well, because there is money to be made as long as people/taxpayers do not the hard question.  That question being "Where is the hard scientific proof that 'man-did-it' climate change is happening?"

    If those AGW goobers think for one minute that I am simply going follow along Lemming-like into their sham, they are less intelligent than I first thought!

  7. Where do you get your info?

    You probably think the world is only 6000 years old too?

    It is estimated that the average temperature of the earth in the passed 20 years is higher than in 187000 years. The industrial age began roughly 100+ years ago.

    How could a century of pollution not make a difference?

    If you think God controls the weather you'll ignore the facts.

  8. I completely agree, and think Gore is full of it. Saying that if the ice caps melt the water level will rise causing flooding is just absurd. Try it, if you put ice in a glass of water the level will go down, because the solid ice has more volume than that of water, so when it melts the volume decreases.

  9. Yes it is, and saying it isn't won't change it!

  10. when people are content and have nothing else to worry about. they look for s**y problems.


    why are the Hollywood types coming out for gobal warming.

    when they live in luxury big homes ,private planes, gas burners for cars and build more then one home in beautiful

    pristine areas.

    how about coming out  for low income housing or betters schools?

  11. Now it's "climate change."

  12. It is a little bit, but no-where near as much as they said it would...

  13. Yes It is. the earths core is getting hotter by the second. The antartic is melting and the oceans are getting warmer.

    If that aint global warming i dont know what is.

    Just ask Al Gore

  14. It's funny, you 'skeptics' like to say that a lot, but for some reason the data won't agree with you.  Darned stubborn real world data!

  15. Because it is warming.

    Individual years jump around a lot, but the long term average is still going up.  It's the red line in the graph below, which shows the variability of individual years, the black line.

    Reducing the level of noise in data by taking a longer average is a VERY standard technique in science.  It's how the Hubble takes those amazing pictures.

  16. they are talkin about it because it is actually happen!! and it is rlly bad and it can kill us.

  17. It's not really global warming, it's climate change.  Global warming is happening because of climate change.

  18. But it is...the ice caps are people will always talk about it

  19. You're an idiot.

  20. Global warming has STOPPED.    What's going on?

    The fact is that the global temperature of 2007 is statistically the same as every year since 2001. Global warming has, temporarily or permanently, ceased. Temperatures across the world are NOT increasing as they should according to the fundamental theory – the greenhouse effect. Something else is happening, perhaps similar to the GLOBAL COOLING observed between 1940 and 1978.The period 1980-98 was one of rapid warming – a temperature increase of about 0.5 degrees C (CO2 rose from 340ppm to 370ppm). But since then the global temperature has been flat (whilst the CO2 has relentlessly risen from 370ppm to 380ppm). This means that the global temperature today is about 0.3 deg LESS than it would have been had the rapid increase continued.

    For the past decade the world has NOT warmed. Global warming has stopped. It’s an observational fact. *** From article in the by David Whitehouse, Ph.D. in astrophysics ***


    Additional Details:

    That global warming has stopped (at least for the last 10 years) is NOT my opinion; it is scientific FACT using the universally accepted measures used to record global temperatures. Even though CO2 concentrations continue to increase in the atmosphere, global temperatures have NOT increased in 10 years, so something is WRONG with the "greenhouse effect" theory.



    1.)From 1940-1978 there was a measurable global COOLING.

    2.) From 1980-1988 there was a measurable global WARMING.

    3.) Since 1988 there has been NO measurable global warming - the global temperature (as it has calculated in all 3 periods) has leveled off.

    Like them or not, these facts are NOT in dispute by climatologists. What is in dispute is WHY the global warming has not kept pace with the rising CO2 levels AND WHETHER the global warming will start up again.

    I am just reporting what I have read in various scientific journals on climatology.

    Response to one skeptic: The article I cited (and others) talk SOLELY about global TEMPERATURES, then determining a mean (or average) for the planet +- standard deviation. It involves statistical analysis of millions of readings at many times of the year - but the formula remains the same year after year so that the years can be fairly compared to each other. THAT is how "global warming" is defined. For a decade the mean global temperature was increasing RAPIDLY every year, following the increases in CO2. But since 1998 the mean global temperature has NOT increased at all, even as the CO2 levels have kept increasing. So, one must conclude that the "greenhouse effect" is NOT the sole cause of global warming or global cooling.

    Global warming and cooling are cyclical events that have both occurred many times in the Earth's past - all climatologists agree on that (witness the last Ice Age). What is UNKNOWN is why these events occur. FACT: "Global warming" stopped 10 years ago - whether it starts again or we enter a COOLING period (like 1940-1978)..  No one knows ???

    *** From article in the by David Whitehouse, Ph.D. in astrophysics ***

  21. It is starting to though...if people don't talk about it and do something about it, it's going to get worse by time.

  22. They should talk about global warming because if they dont things will get worser and people wouldnt know what wil happen in our enviroment .

  23. I think everyone shud stop panicking, if the world gives up on itself we will eitha survive or not, its no biggy....or is it...i forget...oh well, im not worryin, lol =)

  24. "Why are people still talking about global warming?"

    One reason might be the silly theories those who think it isn't happening post. Anyone really interested in this can research on the web and the trend for denier info to be sourced from blogs and poitless sites like the heartland institute and their fake petition.

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