
Why are people such rip off artists these days?

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I've been very sick for sometime and just had surgery for my cancer and hopefully the doctor got everything. My cat came down sick a few days before my surgery and I rushed her to the vets and they did alot of tests that cost over $262. I had to borrow a friend's credit card to even pay that off and give them a post-dated check because they wouldn't allow me to have my cat before the bill was paid! And now they aren't even sure what's wrong with her and think something might be wrong with her liver! She's been eating okay and not sick but has lost some weight. Should I try a different vet after paying so much already?




  1. Yes, try a different vet. Like someone else said, take the test results to the new one so they don't repeat any tests.

    I'm gonna tell you a story about my mom and a mean manager.

    Ok, my mom and my grandma always say "Well, what good are ya then?" as a joke.

    My mom was at the beach, but didn't have a beach chair. She went to a nearby store and all the chairs were $30. She went up to the guy at the cash register and asked "Do you have any beach chairs under $20?" He said no, so my mom replied, "Well, what good are ya?" He got soo pissed and was all "Don't you come into MY store and say 'what good are you?' If you don't want to buy somthing then leave, you *****!" He actually said that. So my mom went to a CVS that was a little farther away and bought a beach chair for $10.

    Yeah, people are rip off artists.

    So go kick em' in the shin and run for it!!!!


  2. It looks like the vet could have told you something, but maybe they didn't test for her liver enzymes and lipase, etc. If she's acting ok and eating, drinking well I would wait until you could get the money to try a different vet. If the other one didn't have any suggestions on what to do next then I would definitely take her somewhere else. Just make sure you take the test results from the previous vet to the new one, so they won't repeat the same tests.

  3. Running basic blood work is the first step in diagnosing any illness, be it a cat or a person.  Based on what that tells the doctor (or vet) they can order more tests to help them diagnose a problem.  Vets are no different than human doctors, unless symptoms are obvious they need diagnostic tests.  Something in that bloodwork indicates that her liver values are off, but they can't pinpoint it yet.  Weight loss is a symptom of many illnesses, and it's putting all they symptoms and test results together that allow any doctor to make a proper diagnosis.  If you go to a different vet, they are only going to run the same blood tests over again that you've already paid for.  

    Your illness was diagnosed after multiple tests and doctor visits, the difference is that your health insurance paid for all of it, and now for your cat you need to pay out of pocket.  The problem with vets extending payment plans to patients is that unfortunately a significant number of people don't pay once they leave the office.   Vets have a business to run.  Even though they do what they do because of their love for animals, it costs a lot to run a vet practise - they have insurance, rent, staff to pay - and so on.  All of us expect to be paid on time for our jobs, and they aren't any different.

    I'm sure your vet has suggested some follow up testing or procedures.  If not, then another vet is in order, but go with your blood test results in hand.  If you haven't asked the vet what comes next, then that is the next step you need to take.  

  4. it's cuz companies make more $ treating diseases then they ever would curing them believe that

  5. It's quite simple really

    people are ripoff artists,

    because the government lets them get away with it

    and people will always take advantage if they can

    if the government regulated health care (including vets) to ensure that the best solution was always given the first time, I bet you'd see a whole lot less messing around.....

    same is true for any business

    i get ripped off by stores and fast food all the time, why? because the government is on their does nothing to slap them on the wrist for s******g over the customer--but s***w them over and see what happens

    have to love modern business....

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