
Why are people such sheep?

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Why cant people think and form there own opinions through research and analytical thinking rather than relying on what is told to them to be the truth, rumours and heresay?




  1. Because some people are just lazy. They don't want to read and they don't want to think.

  2. B cuz The Starbucks cup feels soooooo Good bro

    baaaaahhhhhhhh baaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

    life is short. Just conform

  3. Maybe for the same reason you can't spell.

  4. And you're not a sheep? Following what other atheists say, being a hardcore atheist (following the trend) is not being sheep like? We're all sheep, everyone follows some sort of popular belief or rumor, yes, even you, being an atheist does not make you some sort of special exception.

    --> Actually i am an atheist because i have looked into religion, i have weighed up the facts, looked further than the bible, looked at other religions.. and came to a conclusion.. i even prayed...

    you know what happend? NOTHING. <--

    Hey, that's great for you, I'm glad you figured out what's right for you, I'm not insulting it, but when you become obsessed about being an atheist, which is simply lack of belief, nothing more, and you become obsessed about why people are religious and you go on and on about it in the religion category, then you simply become a sheep like most other atheists, you simply become a sheep just like the fundie Christians. To me, I see no difference between the two, I just see a cult like obsession from both sides. Atheism is not supposed to be a religion or cult like following (which it often seems to be for many atheists), it's just the lack of belief in a God or higher power. The debates and arguments between Christians or other religious people and atheists to me is absolutely bizzare, because why, WHY even bother? Because that's what everyone else is doing? Exactly! Sheep like.

    Oh ... ok, well dislike religion then lol, if the fact that some people choose to be religious bothers you then so be it, but not all religious people are "brainwashed" into becoming religious, some people change their religion and convert to other religions by choice, lot's of religious people question their beliefs at some point in life (even if they won't admit it) but if they choose to continue practicing their faith, that's their business and not yours, only becomes yours when they shove it down your throat, but not all do, but do you shove your atheism onto religious people sort of like how some religious do to atheists? Yes, at least on the internet, which is very sheep like (you’ve seen other atheists do that, and you liked what you saw, you joined in). Be anti theist if you want, freedom of speech entitles you to be anti theist but IMO I’m not one to support people who are against billions of people, there’s over 2 billion religious people, that’s a lot of people to be against, but I guess that’s just your opinion.

  5. Because most people are lazy and not so smart. I'm not saying most people are But most people seem to be happy to be told what to believe. They don't need to think about it, read about it, spend time and effort. 'Just go along with the flow because someone else must have already done that and the majority can't be so wrong' sad. And so common.  

  6. i think you're right. that's actually what makes me wonder wehter religion is based on any truths or not and so many other things.

  7. People are sheep for a number of reasons:

    Life takes some intelligence to do; most people aren't that smart.

    Most people want to be told what to do; taking responsibility for your actions takes courage; most people are weak.

    FEAR controls peasants and that is why religions were invented; they're management tools.


  8. Not everyone is like you.

  9. What's wrong with you all I was born the year of the sheep shame on you. Now where's my 12 guage shotgun.

  10. Your probably just like everyone else, just havent realised it yet.

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