
Why are people suprised others don't care about the enviroment?

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Honestly I don't understand what is so shocking about this fact. Yes we know perfectly well that we might be damaging the planet, but we don't care. Thinking green is a very low priority on many people's list, especially when it is matched against finacial security.

And just speaking for myself, I have no wife nor children, so why should I even care what world I leave to future generations? I'm not going to be in it, nor is my progeny. I fail to see how 'thinking green' could benefit me, beyond obeying the laws set forth by the goverment, so as to avoid fees.




  1. The Left and our Teachers are propagating Global Warming and it is a LIE......

  2. Social media don't teach...

  3. For those of us who aren't completely selfish and self-absorbed, it's hard to understand those who are.

  4. He does make a valid point.  It is very expensive to try to "be green".  You have to pay extra to recycle, about $10,000 more for a green car, everything is extra time and an extra step in order to save the planet.  Once they make it easier, and bring down all the extra costs, then everyone will be more likely to participate.  Until then only upper middle class to upper class can truly be green.

    I think the garbage and recycling should all be one.  Not separate companies and separate charges.  I think people should clean up after themselves and not litter.  But our society and government has a long way to go before everyone will be green.  Too much extra to time and money to be green.  And the technology to be green is either too expensive for people to adapt, or the government and companies are to dependent on oil to allow the technology to come to market.  I think global warming is a crock too.

  5. You have it very wrong.  Just because I don't believe in "global warming" doesn't mean that I don't want a clean environment.

    I want a clean environment, AND I don't fall for the nonsense of "Global warming".

    To use your example, I could say that people who don't believe in Santa Clause don't want Peace on Earth.

  6. What about health ??clean environment is healthy

    or beauty???Nature is beautiful.

    Maybe you live in the city and never see nature

    What about animals ??? you dont like animals

    What about money???,clean resources will become more expensive al the time if many people thought like you

    what about people ??,you dont care about other people ,

    respect fot the planet that puts up with you and gives you all you need

    Nah ,i dont think so

    OK i give up

    you should think Blue

    is that OK?

    But there may come a time when people will not tolerate people anymore,who undo what they do for self preservation .

    so just to be acceptable we may need to become more green even you.

    And it does not have to be more expensive ,it is mainly an attitude nothing more.

    we have to share this planet with everyone else ,whether you like it or not

  7. Thanks for being a tax on humanity. Enjoy your life.

    Allow me to revise:

    There's a difference between caring about the environment, being willing to do something about it, and knowing that the environment is important to human development in the future -- and hating people who are helping the environment by saving resources.

    You can help the environment and not even damage your financial situation. In many cases environmental choices even save money.

    That doesn't mean you should start eating salads, go to yoga class and vote for barak obama. But if you go green and save a dollar or two and give back to the planet that gave you life in the first place, why not?

  8. What would you leave to future generation? You might just be preserving life as a whole for may be more than the expected .

    And you might just see a beatiful, green well developed earth where in just in case if you had kids they might just feel proud that their dad did some good job , or may be your friends might adore you !

    Thinking and living green - might just help you to breathe fresh air , enjoy nature , live on earth that deserved to be loved and not exploited and thrown away into trash just beacuse some people didnt want to like it

  9. Because it might not be your 'progeny' who has to deal with filthy air, filthy water, and filthy food- it might be you.

    As far as financial security goes- the water has to be cleaned before you can drink it. The dirtier it is, the more it will take to clean, the more it will cost. If you live in the city, you may develop allergies or infections from the filthy air- enjoy your doctor's bills. And the food- I bet the people who got sick from those tomatoes wish that the farmers had paid a little more to keep their crops clean.

    That having been said, the average human is too stupid to look that far into their surroundings, and seems to think like you: it's my children's problem. So I'm not surprised at all.

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