
Why are people taller in certain parts of the city I live in?

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I recently noticed something very interesting lately. I live in a part of town that seems to harbor really short people. I'm a guy just over 6' tall. It seems like whenever I go to a store around the location I live, the people there are really short. It makes me feel like I'm unnaturally tall. The women seem really petite and the men seem like midgets. But when I got to a different part of town I see many people around my height. The big difference is in the women. I see so many women that are close to my height. It's kind of strange because when I'm over there it makes me feel like I'm not very tall at all.

Why do you think this is.




  1. Is that other part of town more of a businessy section where the women would be in heels more than they would by your house? That would account for their height.

  2. Are you going to tell us which City?

  3. Recall the bell shaped curve? The one that showed a smooth distribution of whatever was being measured? It's not like that in real life.You neighborhood might just have a cluster of shorter people and the other area a cluster of taller people.

    Consider the reasons for height. Nationality, economics and nutrition come to mind. You area could have an immigrant population; it could be economically depressed (poor food, poor health care) or people didn't get the right food that allowed them to grow to their potential.

    The other part of town might be where business is; or have better economics. Might business professionals have a more erect posture?

    It would be interesting to know the true height difference between the two areas. Would it be an inch or much taller?

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