
Why are people upset that Medical Insurance Covers Viagra but not Birth Controll?

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Viagra is a drug that is for people with certain conditions that need it so maintain and sustain an erection. Birth Control is not a condition or medical issue. It is a choice! People that take Viagra can not choose to get an erection without the pill. Why is this such a big issue? Birth Control is someone's "Choice" to have s*x without getting pregnant. Big difference there people.

Bill O'Reilly spoke about this last night and he made some really good points. However "Planned Parenthood" is saying it is hypocritical to carry Viagra and not BC. Would someone please explain to me how it is being hypocritical to not cover a choice, and do cover a medical condition elimination pill?




  1. Some women need the Pill to reduce pain and style of periods.

    I for example constantly had anemia because when i bled, i bled for 14 days and would often times faint, the pain had me doubled in a fetal position, and i started when i was 14. Going to school, gushing like a river and leaking because the blood flow is so intense isn't pleasent for anyone of any age.

    I'm now 25, i can no longer take the pill as i'm allergic but many girls do need the Pill to help with that time of the month, there are serious and legitimate issues that arise from that time of the month.

    I see Viagra as a choice and lifestyle. Men do need it for satisfaction and i wouldn't take that away from them, but it isn't medically necessary, it's for pleasure.

  2. Viagra is mainly intended for older men who can no longer get or sustain erections. However, it is often abused by younger men who don't really need it as a way to enhance their sexual performance. Men don't die from not being able to get erections but there have been cases of them dying from heart attacks after using this drug.  However, women can and often do die from pregnancy-related complications which is why they should have birth control if they want or need it.

    Edit: Some females have acne so severely that the only drug that works for them is Accutane. This drug has been linked to birth defects so females who are using it have to use two different forms of birth control as well as undergo monthly pregnancy tests even when they are not sexually active. Should they be forced to pay for the birth control and tests because insurance doesn't cover it? You seem to think that acne is strictly cosmetic. It can lead to severely disfiguring scars that are very difficult to erradicate, not to mention the devastating psychological effects of having a horrible complexion and the teasing that comes along with it. Acne is a skin disease. It is not caused by poor hygiene, eating chocolate or greasy foods, and constantly wearing your hair over your face in an attempt to hide it.

  3. From the insurance company's perspective it should be a simple third grade arithmetic  problem:

    What is the difference between what a birth control pill costs and what a birth costs ?

    Therefor it is  to the benefit of the insurance company to pay for contraception in all forms rather then it is to pay for birth in all forms .

    It doesn't get much simpler than that folks.

    Update :

    FYI  Having an erection is not a requirement for getting pregnant nor is penetration .

    Contrary to what some may believe virgin birth is not that rare of an occurrence and world -wide it probably happens on a regular basis

  4. Yo. Settle down. I agree with what all these people above me have said... I don't agree or understand your thinking in all that you wrote.

  5. Because Viagra is not all that necessary but birth control in all the forms its used for is.Why should insurance pay for your choice being male and not for females?Problems to do with acne and periods certaintly are medical conditions.You don't have a choice of them,you either have the problem or you don't.Either way,its not something you can control on your own.And by the way the same women who need medical treatment are the same women who pay insurance premiums for insurance that refuse to treat them simply because they are female.That is just wrong,no matter how you look at it.

  6. I'm not upset about it at all. It isn't being hypocritical at all. Bill O'Reilly has lapses in his judgement sometimes.

  7. Without Viagra, you wouldnt need birth control  LOL

  8. Because birth control pills are used to treat other female medical conditions and not always used for just birth control.  Bill O'Reilly doesn't always do all the research he needs to before making certain statements.  And besides, he's Catholic and doesn't believe in birth control at all, but doesn't hesitate to speak about women having too many children that they can't take care of.  Sort of hypocritical, isn't he?

  9. Birth control is also used to control periods.

    It controls them by how often a female gets them (month to month or every 3 months), the pain of the period (pliers twisting ovaries pain vs. mild can't really tell pain), and the flow, or how much blood comes out.

    Until you have blood gushing from your v****a and need a horse tranquilizer to subdue the pain, you can't understand what females go through, until then, get all the facts before thinking this is not a "medical issue."

    One could also argue that having an erection is a choice and not a necessity, but who am I to judge?

  10. The Insurance my Employer uses will not cover Viagra, and other ED Medications. They  call them "Life Style Drugs". It is BCBS. (Not that I need it)



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